Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Week has begun, only need bananas... :)

Two pics I don't know if I had posted.  Poem from Lansing DC participant and son's buddy in Lake Lure.  He and wife have relocated to Atlanta for now.  Yesterday I did some cleaning of a storage area - a very mini "attic" like space.  Did not have much in it, but it needed to be "dusted out" and I did discover a new pair of gloves as I brought the "winter" bucket down.  Will see if we did reach 32 degrees over night as forecast.  

Went for walk.  Got a call half way through from family friend.  She had her two grandsons since school was closed so we met at the reservoir and walked for a bit, then I finished my Monday "route.  Then got a call from TX friend.  She came off the Cape and was back in town.  I went up and visited for a bit at the house she stays when in town.  Then home for ZEN DC.  

Today we will meet for an early lunch as I get ready for CA DC and she gets ready to head back to TX.  She and all her siblings will head back to town Oct 24-25 for the next memorial.  I will pick up bananas at Shoprite before I head to lunch.  Tonight IOWA DC.  

You are very much at the center of things at the moment and you must make the most of it. Make sure that employers and senior colleagues are aware of who you are and what you can do. Don’t be just another face in the crowd.

Do the work that leads to healing, darling Libra, as the Pisces moon aspects Uranus, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto. Focus on establishing stable ground from which your goals and relationships can thrive, understanding what you and your closest companions need to feel secure and bonded. Consistent routines can also bring a sense of comfort, and making more space in your schedule will assist with battling stress and anxiety as the work week continues to unfold. You should feel lighter this evening when Venus and Neptune align, bringing a grounded yet dreamy energy to the table that's perfect for embracing healthy indulgences. 

Your slow and steady approach might be met with a bit of opposition today, Libra. People could be demanding of your time and energy. It's one of those days in which the people behind you in line at a coffee shop might give you dirty looks if you take too long to make up your mind. 

Not feeling it that I will finish the W&T book club book for Saturday.  Oh well.  The weather will be nice.  :)  Got a great text from son's buddy in Tarpon Springs.  What a great kid and family man.  Have known him since he and son moved into their dorm room on Labor Day weekend 2001.  :)

Have a good Tuesday.  Do hope for the grace and space to look at stress and anxiety that is bubbling up.  I will look forward to "lightness".  I know my eating is off, don't want anything else coming off the rails...  :)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Setting the table for the week :)

Wedding pic from newlywed niece yesterday.  SIL and daughter, me and my son.  Other pic from TX friend and her sisters on a walk with me on Friday here in town.  Yesterday walked to Unionville.  TX friend headed to Cape Cod and swing back through town today.  Mentioned Mizu 21 for "linner" if that will work.  She heads back to TX.  Back in two weeks for another memorial.  Planning underway to go out and see son in December.  Trying hard but unsuccessful so far on making the W&T book club book make sense to me...  Hate that when it happens, but will be curious what the other ladies have to say about it on Saturday.  Today walk and ZEN DC tonight.  

If someone in a position of authority tries to persuade you to do as they say you must dig in your heels and refuse to budge. With the power they have it won’t be easy but if you do give in now you will surely regret it later on.

Loved ones could challenge you in unexpected ways today, darling Libra, as the sun, Mars, and Chiron dust up drama from above. Avoid the temptation to run from conflict, but remember to stand up for yourself with tact. Check-in with your to-do list for the week when the Pisces moon and Saturn align, arranging your schedule with plenty of time to complete these tasks while still finding moments for wellness and self-care. Venus, your planetary ruler, opposes unpredictable Uranus later today, challenging your sense of security. Watch out for romantic drama and overspending while navigating these tense vibes. 

Today you may have some important phone calls to make, Libra, and want to get them out of the way before doing anything else. You will definitely get your message across because your communicative abilities are very strong. Words combine with feelings to create understanding between you and just about anyone, whether you're talking on the phone or writing.

Mondays are always hard to get rolling for me.  Not sure why as week days and weekends really don't have a different shape or feel these days...  Will see what unfolds.  Have a good Monday.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Another breakfast out with TX friend and her siblings - 2 sisters and 1 brother.  I passed on going to the memorial.  Using my change pic today.  Life is very interesting right now.  Son is planning a trip for us.  We will see how that develops.  

So yesterday - breakfast, walk to Shoppes, talked to son again.  Back and forth with CA DC facilitator if travel brings us her way.  

Today walk to Unionville.  I will wait and see when I hear from TX friend.  She is meeting up with her son's in-laws who are in the state visiting their son.  So might meet up with her later.  Two weeks from now the crew will all be back in town for another memorial service.  This one my sisters #4, 6 will be in town for.  And it is my town's annual Halloween parade weekend...  

You know with the utmost conviction what needs to be done, so get on with it and ignore those who say it’s too much of a risk. On the contrary, if you don’t take that risk you may one day look back and wish you had been more adventurous.

Take up space but avoid stepping on toes this morning, dearest Libra, as the Aquarius moon aspects Venus, Uranus, and Mercury. It'll be essential to express yourself, but you should stay clear of envious peers. Watch out for strained emotions when Pluto becomes agitated, especially amongst family and close friends. The vibe mellows out once Mercury enters Scorpio, and people will feel more grounded while in your presence. Pamper your body when Luna enters Pisces, conjuring themes around health and wellness. A buzz fills the air later tonight when Chiron, Jupiter, Mars, and the sun activate, though it may be best to hide away while connecting with spiritual practices. 

I will see where the day goes.  Need to check for rain during walking time.  Nothing right now.  Have a good Sunday.  

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wandering Friday

Introduced and reintroduced TX friend's sisters to the bridge south in town.  Walked for a bit, then they spun off.  Then I spoke with son about a possible winter trip in December/January.  Starting to see his house and area.  We will see how it comes together.  Then after wandering with sisters, wandering while I talked to son, then my usual walk.  10 a.m. to 3 p.m. I was out and about except for a quick stop at apt to change into my shorts as the day warmed up.

Listening to All-In as we speak.  TX friend said she would let me know when her group heads to breakfast.  They are thinking of going to the diner we went to on Thursday a.m.  I finished the other half of my meatball grinder from Thursday dinner out.  

Today - breakfast and I think I will pass on the memorial service of TX friend's family friend.  I had thought about going because they will be sharing about TX friend's grandbaby who died on the same day as their family friend.  Will see what they are all up to tonight after the service.  

As from today you should find it easier to be assertive both at home and at work and get things moving in a positive direction. But don’t go to extremes and insist that colleagues and loved ones follow your every demand. Ask and it will be done.

Understand when it's time to pull back and slow down your momentum, dearest Libra, as the sun and Mars square off overhead. The universe will force you to take a break if you haven't had enough time to focus on personal needs, and your endurance may take a minor hit. Luckily, you'll have enough stamina to pursue passions and fun as the moon moves happily through innovative Aquarius. Your charisma and most lovable qualities shine brightly later tonight when Luna aligns with the sun, Chiron, and Jupiter, marking the perfect time to embrace romance, friendship, and soul bonds. 

You tend to be practical and businesslike by nature, Libra, but the tremendous growth you've experienced may increase your desire to be as sensible and efficient as possible in order to continue this trend. You're feeling upbeat and positive. You're likely to continue to feel this way. The only downside is that you're probably going to be working very hard. You will like the results, though, so go for it.

So I will see where the day takes me.  Heard from two people from east coast of Florida. Both OK with their property.  One from west coast - no power at her house or at the hotel she works at so is staying with friends.  Son's buddy's restaurant is open.  Can't say that things are back to normal...All In talking about the frequency and severity of storms and insurance issues. But I will put that out of my mind today.  Have a good Saturday. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lots of walking and pancakes and meatballs yesterday!

Started the day with pancakes at a local diner with TX friend!  Then went for my walk.  Then went for another walk when TX friend came back into town.  They I worked on some writing.  Watched my Chicago shows.  :)  Then got a call to join TX friend and one of her sisters and we went to a restaurant that they could walk to from their hotel and I got a meatball grinder!  Man that is off my normal, but dee-lish.  :)  Then we went back to their hotel to wait for two more sisters to arrive.  GREAT room set up at their Residence Inn.  Two BRs, 2 baths, full kitchen and sitting area!!!  And a great lobby area.  Free breakfast.  Too bad that was not an option for us at niece's wedding.  :)

Today they have family stuff to do so I am on my own in preparation for a memorial service on Saturday.  Walk the only thing on my to-do's.  Son's friend's restaurant reopens in Tarpon Springs today!  Such good news.  Never know reality by watching the news.  

36 degrees as we speak at my apt.  Do have window wide open in my office.  Wrapped up in a blanket. :)

You are so full of confidence at the moment that you don’t care who falls out if you rock the boat. What you should care about though is how easily your actions could turn would-be allies into long-term enemies. Try not to be quite so provocative.

Take a moment to settle your emotions and bring focus to what you hope to accomplish today, darling Libra, as the Capricorn moon aspects Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Nurture yourself along with your goals, building the sustainable habits that will bring your visions to life at a reasonable pace. A glimmer in your eye makes it easy to find allies once Luna enters Aquarius, and people will respect your unique perspective. Meanwhile, luck showers down on matters of the heart as Jupiter and Chiron align, helping you heal on a spiritual level to call in and strengthen healthy relationships. 

Today you may feel especially warm and loving toward just about everybody in your circle, Libra, even those you usually find irritating. You could also be looking especially attractive and feeling more confident than usual. You might even feel like shopping for new clothes. Artistic ideas could flow freely, and you might think of different ways to put them to work for you.

The only thing I do know is - no shopping.  :)  Will try to mesh the ideas of my cosmic guidance.  Balance seems to be the message...  Wish me luck on that.  Have a good Friday.  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

No company last night

Texted at 8:30 p.m. and TX friend was reminded that the text she thought she sent did not get sent...  :)  She met up with a friend for drinks and ended up staying at our family friend's house which is closer to where she was.  I moved back into my bedroom and hit the sack.  :)  We will meet up for breakfast after she meets up with her friend for a walk before he heads to work.

Yesterday for me, cleaned apt, noon EOLD, Lansing DC.  Even without company, it is always good for me when I have to clear my office.  A couple of things get thrown out.  

Watching 10 Tampa Bay news.  Nothing from Tarpon Springs yet that I can see. 

Today breakfast out.  Walk.  Friend has airport pick ups to make of sisters.  Then they will all move into hotel.  More family members will come in for memorial on Saturday.  

Don’t let it worry you if something you have been working on diligently for the past few weeks has to be put aside for a while. There is something else that must be dealt with first and your original venture won’t suffer because it has to wait.

Embrace self-maintenance by focusing on your health and wellness needs this morning, Libra, while the Capricorn moon and Saturn align overhead. Your emotional state will tell you much about what you really need under this afternoon's quarter moon, so try not to silence your heart. You could hit an energetic wall midafternoon when Luna and Mars face off but don't feel guilty about unloading on others or rescheduling specific duties for another time. Watch out for relationship drama this evening when Chiron becomes agitated. Have the patience to hear your counterpart out, and let love win once Venus stirs. 

Today you might decide to tackle your financial paperwork and get it all done. This is a great day for that, Libra, although you might be a little too ambitious and not get as much done as you'd like. This is a good time to make use of any writing talent, because ideas could be coming to you thick and fast. Expect many of letters or phone calls in this busy and stimulating day.  

Don't worry, embrace self-maintenance, writing, have patience.  Maybe some time just sitting by the river in the sun (I think she is going to feel chilly today around here) and then take a walk.  Whew.  Good cosmic guidance for me today.  Pancakes or eggs/bacon is my big breakfast decision today.  :)  Have a good Thursday.  

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

New railing - sisters like the new look and "lift assist" into my apt.

My front stoop has a new look.  :)  All the other entrances on Main St had some railings on the stairs.  Glad they are there for the winter.  One more thing to hang on to - on/off the sidewalk.  :)  They still have the stairs to contend with but they like the railings.

Yesterday was an interesting day - starting to get ready for TX friend coming to stay the night before her other sisters arrive on Thursday and they move into their hotel.  Memorial service for one of their family friends on Saturday.  Moving out of my room.  Will walk, noon EOLD, 5-ish p.m. arrival, figuring out where to get food for gift and I will hope to get to Lansing DC.  We will see how the day goes.  

Talked to son.  His house was broken into.  He installed a ring camera yesterday.  Kicking himself for not having it before.  Then later in the evening his buddy from Tarpon Springs called.  He said it is going to be bad, but his is a Coast Guard kid so with his father's travels he was near a lot of water/storm events.  His wife is a life long Tarpon resident.  Sad that this storm is taking people's eye off NC.  So sad on too many fronts for me.  

The harder you try to get something finished today the more you will find yourself held back by people who do not share your sense of urgency. Maybe they’re right though, maybe there’s no need to be in such a rush to get it done.

Invest in your home life and private affairs throughout the day, darling Libra, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar fourth house. Remember that family is what you make it, permitting yourself to set boundaries with some companions while pulling others closer. Listening to your own needs will also be vital when riding these cosmic tides, which could cause you to feel more emotional than usual. Hurts from the past could resurface later this afternoon when Luna squares off with the nodes of fate. Resist the urge to soothe these wounds alone, reaching for companionship as a way to find comfort. 

Changes may be taking place on the home front, Libra, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step at a time, with your mind focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!

Thinking hard about what son's buddy shared last night.  But need to focus on getting through today.  Get moved out of my room into the office.  Did run dishwasher Monday, darned some more socks, washed clothes yesterday, will clean apt today.  Landlord is back so I will calm down my incense/diffusing.  :)  Did not get up until 5:30 a.m. today so "behind schedule".  Better get cracking.  :)

Have a good Wednesday.