Friday, January 17, 2025

Clean plate club last night at Little City :)

Whole pizza and the apricot goat cheese salad.  My former boss and I left nothing behind.  The cold makes you need more calories.  :)  Care package sent by TX friend lost in transit with UPS.  New sneakers and socks that I ordered with my "rewards" with REI card arrived.  Neither won me over on first glance.  Will give them another glance today.  Son sent another pic - he made it to Mexico City and he sent a picture of himself and the guy who he spent a lot of time on the phone with while we were traveling.  He is son's collaborator on the event for the art festival in February.  Son said airbnb was not all he expected, but he said he was not complaining.  I will leave that as all I need to know.  He is a very capable traveler.

Another full walk route yesterday.  Who knows what will be up with two sisters and one gentleman caller in town.  I will see if they are up to walking to lunch.  Supposed to hit 40 degrees today so weather will not be key to that decision.  I am thinking that sister #4 will depart after lunch.  I will see what sister #1 is thinking about ETD with snow due in and gentleman caller needing to be back in PA for second cataract surgery.  

25 miles driven on my car after my outing last night since I got back Jan 2.  I looked at Jan 16 last year on my spend/save ratio...  $33.91/$24.03 - spend/save results for me at Shoprite.  Remarkably close to this week's.  :)  Did not know I was tracking that for that long.  Doesn't look like I had the kind of shopping week this time last year that I did with my re-stocking trip last Tuesday.  Did discover that Chicago shows were reruns this week so no need to watch them yesterday.  Did put my tax stuff together to get ready for end of month or when I have received all my info.  Don't think I have any "tax event" for 2024 tax year, but I am going to submit anyway and have the tax lady confirm or deny.  

A major upheaval is about to take place and the good news is it will benefit you in numerous ways. When the sun moves into the most dynamic area of your chart as the weekend previous issues will seem trivial compared to what is starting to look possible.

Your cup runs over this morning, dearest Libra, as the Virgo moon and Jupiter align. Take a few moments in quiet reflection to make the most of these vibes, connecting with your gratitude and higher power. You'll have a chance to make sense of complex emotions when Mercury activates, giving you an opportunity to address issues you've been sweeping under the rug. Explore solutions with compassion, and your relationships will thrive. Lay low to catch up on your to-do lists before the work week closes, nurturing your body along the way while Luna opposes Venus and Saturn.

Changes in your home could take place now. These are positive, Libra, though they might seem a bit overwhelming. Some could even be described as upheavals. Perhaps someone moves in or out. It could even involve moving to a new place, redecorating, refurbishing, or perhaps adopting a pet. At the very least, expect some emotional changes within yourself.

Hmmm...what is going to happen today.  Lots of upheaval talk AND company...BUT no worry about any pet adoption.  :/  I will look within for the change rather that outside.  Keep a good thought for that.  Have a good Friday.  Woke up to a 333 on my clock this a.m.  :) 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Activity picking up...

Early birthday party for sister #4 tomorrow.  In my "I don't cook" cupcake search, I discovered that Cake Gypsy has closed the local shop.   I will check with sister #1 if I need to cross town lines and go to the other store.  Sister #4 is usually the cake baker...can't ask her to make her own.  Sister #1 and gentleman caller will join in.  But this week had already "ticked up" in activity.  Back on my walking routes.  ZEN, CA and EOLD. Chores on the "right" days.  Good news, bad news on routine.  But I will break things up today.  Dinner at Little City Pizza with former school #2 boss.  AND heard via email this a.m. from the woman I replaced to get her as my boss.  Can't wait to tell former boss that two of her former "AA's" (admin assts) might be visiting her.  Will see if I can sell her on coming for the dance recital in early Feb.  That would be fun to have the 3 of us "old timers" walk in to the auditorium at former school #2.  Also email from a cousin's daughter.  I let her know son was going to be in Mexico City for a month.  She travels the world for her job and I wanted to make sure she did not miss him if travels took her that way. 

Got a picture to my picture frame overnight.  Son had layover in Houston and he bought himself - and sent me a pic - of his Antone's po'boy.  That is a flash from our Houston past.  He has the "super original".  :)  Found out what that was by going on the web site.  Original with more meat and surprise there as to his choice.

Heard very good news from landlady that she is on the mend!!!  Her husband/my landlord left to his own devices...not a good thing.  

Today walk and dinner out.  Figure out cupcakes.  Hoping for less wind.  Going to be balmy the next two days, then deep freeze again.  But looks like precipitation will stay south...

You will have to give your opinion on a matter you would prefer not get involved with over the next 24 hours. Let others know which side you think has got it right. Someone’s feelings will inevitably get hurt but that’s just the way it is.

You'll be easily distracted by electronics, social media feeds, and your peers, dearest Libra, as the Leo moon forms unbalanced connections with the sun, Neptune, and the north node. Luckily, you'll have a chance to retreat once the moon enters Virgo, helping you fly under the radar to complete tasks and handle work. This cosmic climate also paves the way for you to adopt better habits, especially when you start small, to integrate more wellness or efficiency into your flow. Treat yourself to a healthy home-cooked meal this evening when the sun aspects Neptune, filling your space with therapeutic vibes. 

Pursuing intellectual interests may be on hold today because of career matters. Your ambitions, whatever they are, could get a shot in the arm through some new information, possibly from far away. This could be uncovered in a newspaper, book, conversation with a friend, or online. Whichever it is, Libra, it's likely to work for you, so make use of it.

Hope that means that a part time job is in my future...  Home cooked meal/pizza with former boss - it will feel the same.  She is a kind soul who keeps an eye on me.  :)  Have a good Thursday.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

$30.51/$20.67 Shoprite spend to savings ratio

Heard from my niece #1 this a.m.  We will set a time to chat next week.  So good to hear from her.  Sent her a pic of my desktop.  Holiday pics from my brother's/her family when I was there for my brother's lobster birthday party in Sept.  I took the picture which amazes me that any picture I take would be holiday card eligible, the holiday card from her family with my great nephew and the Tarpon family who I adore.  Son's roommates in college.  No mystery that my 2024 travel was Florida in Jan and North Carolina in Sept.  

Heard from sister #1.  Gentleman caller's cataract eye 1 operation went well.  They will now head to sister #3's, meet sister #4 there, then "caravan" (two cars make a caravan?) here on Friday for an early sister #4 birthday lunch.  Sister #4 took a spill on a walk last week...will see if there are any residual aches and pains.  The younger siblings and their falls.  :/

Family friend said "walk on" for this a.m. I told her I would start composing my layer look now!  Sent former school #2 boss my vote for pizza or burgers for tomorrow.  It is National Pizza Week so I told her to pick her favorite place and I would meet her there.  Today is Nervous System Support EOLD discussion.  Good timing for that!  I am giving up the monthly massages for a bit until I figure out post trip financial recovery :)  so this session will be my respite. 

Can't tell whether my landlady is back in the hospital...I could tell that there was not much sleeping on Monday night when she got home from her stay.  Will see if I run into the landlord today.  Will definitely get a report when sister #1/landlord's classmate gets to town on Friday.  

Did get dishwasher run and load of clothes done.  Will clean apt later today.  Will also delay pancakes until post walk.  Did get the mix that is "add water" at Shoprite yesterday.  :)  But do have applesauce or a banana to use up the ingredient mix that I still have.  

The more someone flatters you today the more sure you can be that they don’t believe half of what they are saying. Those who support you the most don’t need to make a big thing of their loyalty. Actions speak louder than words.

Your community seeks to lift you while the Leo moon and Chiron align, dearest Libra, so don't hesitate to embrace love when it is offered. Now is also a good time to connect with friends and expand networks for those you adore. However, it'll be vital that you maintain firm boundaries with anyone who might take advantage of your good nature while the Capricorn sun opposes Mars Rx. Though others may dig their heels in, stay firm in your disposition. Steer clear of upsetting social media feeds or news outlets later tonight when Luna and Uranus enter a harsh square. 

Today you might want to put one last burst of effort into a project, as this could make a big difference to your income and status, Libra. It could put you before the public in some way. Your physical energy is high and mental abilities especially sharp. Whatever you choose to work on will be accomplished quickly and skillfully. Relations with others will be congenial and supportive.

Eye out today for flattery, community AND income.  :)  Have a good Wednesday.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday again, but not as painful a grocery list this a.m. :)

Still dark, but feels very sunrise-ish this a.m.  Maybe it is the full moon shining in my window when I went to bed and when I woke up this a.m.  I had a great ZEN DC last night.  Discussion about the 5 Remembrances...It helps me when things get simple.  And when someone asked, “What is Buddhism?” I would say, “Here. It’s this.”  I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old. - I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape having ill health. - I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death. - All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them. - My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.  I am reading that last one over and over.  My actions are the ground I stand on.  I also feel good that the woman I visited in San Francisco reached out for some information about the Center for Conscious Living and Dying.  I love it when I can spread the word about good places and good people.  

On a lighter note, first reservoir route walk yesterday since I got back from trip.  Crickets from son.  He takes off for his next adventure tomorrow.  Will see if I hear from him today.  Shoprite this a.m. - fortunately only need a very few things!  Wash clothes, do a load of dishes.  

Call from sister #6.  Her SIL is getting jammed up financially by a "woman scorned" mother who is piling on the debt before her divorce is final so the husband with the new - and MUCH younger - girlfriend can walk away from paying her debts.  The son and mother had shared a credit card when he was in college that is still open and she has run to its max...son wanted to make sure that he got as far away from that as possible which he did with some guidance from his father.  Yikes. Go back to #5 of the 5 remembrances...

National Pizza week so I think that makes the decision as to pizza or burger choice for Thursday with former school #2 boss.  :)

You are in one of those moods when you are so determined to succeed that you will allow nothing and no one to stand in your way. There is not the slightest doubt in your mind that you will reach your ultimate goal sooner rather than later.

You'll catch the eye of important members of your social sphere today, darling Libra, as the moon enters popular Leo. Use this energy to show that you're in high demand, but be mindful to stay humble while Pluto activates, which could stir envy amongst peers. The universe will be in the mood to grant wishes when Venus squares Jupiter this afternoon. However, you'll want to get your affairs in order to prepare for any new tasks or responsibilities that may manifest as a result. Set a positive example later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Jupiter, expanding your reach. 

A talent for a new field that you might never have tried before could come to light, Libra. This might involve modern technology in some way or writing, drawing, or both. Communication with others should be warm, congenial, open, and honest. You can expect to gain a lot of pleasure from relationships of all kinds. Expect at least one of your conversations to turn to the fine arts or metaphysics.

Keep waiting for my EVERSOURCE electric bill...I was gone for 27 should be pennies.  If it is not, I will need to figure out what the billable items are that are racking up the watts.  :)  Other than that, not much on the calendar.  Have a good Tuesday.  

Monday, January 13, 2025

First regular route walk today. :)

Pictures and words shared from my cousin and from son's instagram.  I don't do social media, but I do see he has pics posted from Sedona, Mt Shasta and Landers CA.  Sister #4 does follow him and his latest was a Pistons game.  What a guy.  Never stops.  :)

Yesterday late walk, but got to Unionville and back.  Talked to sister #1 and #4.  Both plan to head this way on Friday.  Sister #4 is very weather and light of day dependent on travel plans.  Sister #1's gentleman caller is having his first eye done today for is incredible to me how fast people pop back after going under the knife.  

Will see about hitting one of my reservoir routes today.  Milder again today so I want to take full advantage. 

If you find yourself doubting that you are in the right line of work, and wondering if you need to change course, don’t make any hasty decisions as the full moon will make you dangerously unpredictable. Don’t throw away everything you have accomplished.

The sun and Uranus share a supportive aspect today, sweet Libra, revolutionizing the way you think and feel. Allow yourself to process complex feelings in new ways, giving yourself space to shake off what you do not need. Honor the emotions of loved ones when Chiron becomes agitated, but don't sacrifice your own in the process. The Cancer full moon graces our skies this afternoon, helping you set new boundaries that will soothe the spirit over time. Show your body some extra love when Luna aspects Mars Rx and Neptune this evening, finding a connection between your physical and spiritual selves. 

A new sense of closeness to those around you might have you feeling especially happy today, Libra. Your business and financial life should be going very well, your future seems bright, and now this puts the icing on the cake. Your mind may turn to projects that you want to try in the future, and this could increase your enthusiasm. Even more ideas could come thick and fast.
Have a good Monday.  Post trip re-entry week #2.  Think that I know the answer to the pizza or burgers on Thursday with former school #2 boss - It is National Pizza Week this week. I will take help answering questions from anyone, anywhere. :)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

NC more snow than CT!... Interesting place this world we live in. :)

UNC campus picture popped up on my linked in feed this a.m.  We had less than a dusting here.  

Yesterday for me was another off schedule, long time in pajamas day.  But I did get a good walk in.  It was not too cold.  AND a great dinner last night with family friend, her husband and her daughter and SIL.  Swordfish for me! Wish I was like my son on our trip and had taken a pic of the plate put in front of me!  More DEE-lish to my day.  Clean plate club for pancakes in the morning and swordfish at night.  Big day for my intake.  :)  Talked to cousin.  She usually has a pretty packed weekend schedule so I was glad to have her reach out to say she had a possible 12:30-ish p.m. slot open for a phone call.  :)  That gave me another reason to delay heading out for my walk.  Slept like a log - just getting to my machine this a.m. at 7:17 a.m.  Did read a bit this a.m.  Still liking The Confidante book.  

Also completely enjoyed a podcast family friend sent me.  Acquired segment about Mars, Inc.  LONG but well worth while.  Will look at some other episodes...maybe they all won't be almost 4 hours long.  

Today - Unionville or the Shoppes...walk decision.  Will see if there is still construction issues going to Unionville.  Ran into landlord on way downstairs to my ride to dinner last night.  Landlady is in hospital...I knew she was not feeling good on Thursday, but did not know it had landed her in hospital.  Hopes she is home today per landlord.  Another occasion where I put "never to doctor since 1992" factoid on my gratitude list. 

Will reach out to son today.  He leaves on Wednesday for his next month.  Seems he and his buddies are not drawn to stay in Detroit - Jan-Mar.  And have the gift of not being tied to a location to do what they do to make their lives work...these young kids.  :)  Love that this was his cosmic guidance for today.  What happens this week could change your life in ways you had not expected. Monday’s full moon will encourage you to question some of the beliefs you have always taken for granted and your outlook on life will improve very much for the better.

As to his mother...
What you must realize this week is that the current full moon makes it a complete waste of time arguing with people. The simple fact is that your “truth” and their “truth” are poles apart and nothing is going to change that, so accept it and move on.

Try not to let thoughts of Monday's responsibilities cramp your Sunday style, sweet Libra, as the Cancer moon and Mercury face off. Remember that it's essential to maintain a personal balance with healthy boundaries between work and home. Staying busy with household chores or personal errands can help alleviate stress while Mars Rx and Neptune align, giving you a chance to zone out without losing productivity. Treat your body to a few moments of luxury when Venus activates midafternoon, inviting you to destress through personal pampering. Go ahead and prep for the work week ahead before heading to bed when Luna is responsible for Saturn.

Today you could look in the mirror and be appalled by what you see, activating your insecurity about the way you look. This could send you looking for various treatments. Go ahead if you want, Libra, but your impressions are clouded right now and you probably look far better than you think. 

I do look askance at my short hair, but not looking for any treatments.  :)  Have a good Sunday.  Sun is supposed to be out today unlike yesterday so it feels more inviting outside already.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Put my walking shoes back on yesterday

Wind died down, temp above freezing.  Walk with family friend, tea at corner coffee shop, another walk to library to re-stock.  Dinner invite from family friend for tonight with her husband, daughter and SIL.  Morning pancakes again yesterday.  I wonder what I will get as a treat now when I go out for breakfast at a restaurant.  :)  Have some writing in mind for today.  We will see if my energy takes me in that direction.  TX friend called.  She is sending me a new parka.  She bought it a couple of years ago.  Doesn't get much use.  ANOTHER package arriving at my door step.  Very interesting addition to my post vacation re-entry week.  

ANOTHER increase from COMCAST in January bill...I really need to put my big girl pants on and change up my viewing options.  They really do prey on people of low tech ability and without any sounding board to discuss options.  Awful company.  Sort of like the car insurance people socking me with increases as my driving goes down and down.  COMCAST just keeps piling on people who do not fight back and have the lowest usage rates.  It is on me to do the work, but why should old people have to keep fighting for fairness?

Today walk, dinner.  Supposed to be nicer out today.  Fingers crossed.  No overnight snowflakes as forecast.  

Some strong emotions are beginning to stir and you need to be ready to deal with them. Where affairs of the heart are concerned you can and you must be aware that your own words and actions can have far-reaching effects, both for better and worse.

The time has come to reassess your habits and routines, dearest Libra, as the north node enters Pisces and the south node debuts in Virgo. The following year and a half will be critical for your personal development as the stars ask you to shed behaviors that may be hindering your health or productivity. Prepare for this cosmic climate by reflecting on how you want to improve, emphasizing the importance of wellness and living your best life. Ask the universe for additional help or guidance when the Gemini moon aspects Neptune and the nodes this evening. Bring more structure to this agenda once Luna enters Cancer later tonight. 

 If you've been aiming for a specific career goal, Libra, it might suddenly manifest with the current planetary energy. You could be catapulted into the public eye in some way. The possibility of an increased income could arise, although it might be speculative at this point. Your mental energy continues high, so you should be able to easily grasp all the ins and outs of your situation.

I will hope the universe does chip in with some tips.  :)  Someone won the $10M CT lotto last night, but not me.  And no dishwasher job opening.  I guess I should look for a sweet spot somewhere in between lottery winning and dishwasher job.  Perhaps?  Have a good Saturday.