Friday, January 17, 2025
Clean plate club last night at Little City :)
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Activity picking up...
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
$30.51/$20.67 Shoprite spend to savings ratio
Heard from sister #1. Gentleman caller's cataract eye 1 operation went well. They will now head to sister #3's, meet sister #4 there, then "caravan" (two cars make a caravan?) here on Friday for an early sister #4 birthday lunch. Sister #4 took a spill on a walk last week...will see if there are any residual aches and pains. The younger siblings and their falls. :/
Family friend said "walk on" for this a.m. I told her I would start composing my layer look now! Sent former school #2 boss my vote for pizza or burgers for tomorrow. It is National Pizza Week so I told her to pick her favorite place and I would meet her there. Today is Nervous System Support EOLD discussion. Good timing for that! I am giving up the monthly massages for a bit until I figure out post trip financial recovery :) so this session will be my respite.
Can't tell whether my landlady is back in the hospital...I could tell that there was not much sleeping on Monday night when she got home from her stay. Will see if I run into the landlord today. Will definitely get a report when sister #1/landlord's classmate gets to town on Friday.
Did get dishwasher run and load of clothes done. Will clean apt later today. Will also delay pancakes until post walk. Did get the mix that is "add water" at Shoprite yesterday. :) But do have applesauce or a banana to use up the ingredient mix that I still have.
The more someone flatters you today the more sure you can be that they don’t believe half of what they are saying. Those who support you the most don’t need to make a big thing of their loyalty. Actions speak louder than words.
Your community seeks to lift you while the Leo moon and Chiron align, dearest Libra, so don't hesitate to embrace love when it is offered. Now is also a good time to connect with friends and expand networks for those you adore. However, it'll be vital that you maintain firm boundaries with anyone who might take advantage of your good nature while the Capricorn sun opposes Mars Rx. Though others may dig their heels in, stay firm in your disposition. Steer clear of upsetting social media feeds or news outlets later tonight when Luna and Uranus enter a harsh square.
Today you might want to put one last burst of effort into a project, as this could make a big difference to your income and status, Libra. It could put you before the public in some way. Your physical energy is high and mental abilities especially sharp. Whatever you choose to work on will be accomplished quickly and skillfully. Relations with others will be congenial and supportive.
Eye out today for flattery, community AND income. :) Have a good Wednesday.