Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

My pre-Halloween Tuesday was productive - good work, good walk, BUT I went to bed a bit early and was too lazy to get up and answer my phone and missed a call from my son!!! I hate that when I do that. But I was mad at myself for answering the phone the other night when I was not in the mood to talk on the phone and did not want to repeat that...but now I am kicking myself for not answering it. I cannot win with my phone answering issues. But other than that - a good day.

Guess I missed a big upset last night when the Pussy Cat girl or whoever her group is got voted off DWTS's. I was thinking it was time for Jane or Marie to go. If I can put DWTS in the same paragraph as my sports' report. I am sick I missed Favre's game winning pass on Monday night. He IS the man! I love the drama of the Yankees and Dodgers managerial cha-cha (to tie in DWTS's). My sports talk radio guy on the way home said - this is perfect storm for a Yankees-Dodgers World Series for 2008! I am thinking that George Jr is not quite the man as Dad is and the Yankees may have a generational fall off - athletically and leadership wise. I guess the George daughter should not have divorced the family member who seemed to "get it" business wise. Tonight is the opening night for the Chicago Bulls. I hope JamesOn gets to play.

Did not hear any of the Democratic debate last night. That is not the forum from which to make decisions in my mind.

They are snapping together the module house the school is building for the Head of School. It is pretty interesting to see how the boxes sitting on the side of the road one day are a big house the next. Hope they are using strong glue!

Have a happy Halloween. No trick or treaters on the 4th floor - unless someone gives out the security code to get into the won't be me! It might be a favorite holiday of my son's but I am pretty holiday challenged across the board. Celebrating - period - may be my underlying challenge.

But on a non-challenging note, off to get ready for work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as your phone issues- Don't you have caller ID you can check before answering? If you want to talk to the person you answer, if it's a # you don't know or don't want to talk to you don't answer!!!! Not rocket science there Rafandmaude! LOL