Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday was Monday

Finished up a couple of projects begun by students in detention on Saturday. My boss put her detention-ees to work stuffing mailings and then I had to personalize them. Sounded like a good idea on Saturday, but it made for lots of mixing and matching on Monday. I finished at 5:15 p.m. on Monday with little other work done. But it all has to be done. Also had a few minutes in the Head of School's office with tea and cookies that she brought back from her trip to England. But I did get a good walk in before it got dark. That will become more and more of a challenge and then move into the impossible come this weekend. Not impossible to walk, but impossible to get an evening walk in before it gets dark.

Read the obituary of my former co-worker this a.m. The funeral will be on Friday.

Watched DWTS's last night and cut short a phone call from a friend in Texas. Talking on the phone is very rarely a treat for me. Her husband was in DC having dinner with sister #1 on his trip. Everything stays connected.

My lack of talkative-ness seems to have carried over to this a.m...

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