Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dogswood Day

Remnants of reunion were removed (including the art department run on the curly willow). Everybody was back in the office and I am very glad I went in on Monday because Tuesday was Dogswood Day for all the students and faculty on campus - relays, carnival lunch, tug of war - great day, great weather. It started with a Maypole dance and it was beautiful. For lunch - it was a cookout, with cotton candy, fried dough, sno-cones. It would have been a different picture for me if I had not gotten my "accounting" of reunion done on Monday. coincidences in my life!

My boss gave us all plants as a thank you for all our hard work. I took it into my parents last night. My mother loves flowers and my father loves to plant, so it was a perfect match. I sat for a minute - I missed my visit with them over reunion weekend. They reminded me that I needed to vote on the town budget so I came home from their house, took my walk, then walked over to town hall to vote. Then I came home and did an incense Tuesday...I am all off on my incense nights but I needed some "atmosphere" for becoming peaceful. I was trying to watch DWTS finale, but decided to read The Knitting Club book instead. (Looks like Ohno won. It was his birthday last night so that was appropriate.)

Put the word out about my vacation to see if any friends would like to take any day trips. Another beautiful day today. Tomorrow will be our last dance class and then to my co-worker's son's baseball game. It is a good week.

PS: the lady that cuts my hair is between salons so she is coming to my house to cut my hair on my day off on Friday!!! That is living!

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