Friday, May 25, 2007

No work Friday!

My cosmic guidance for the day..."Who has done more good for the planet, Mother Teresa or Bill Gates?" asked businessman John Mackey. "No contest: Gates has helped far more people." Whether you agree with that assessment or not, Libra, act as if it's true in the coming weeks. As you express your generous urges, don't so much model yourself after Mother Teresa, who felt pious feelings and gave mostly symbolic assistance to a few thousand poor, sick people. Model yourself more after Gates, who spends billions of dollars to provide technological resources to schools in the U.S., and to bolster health care and reduce poverty in the Third World. In other words, don't just be emotionally and spiritually supportive. Be aggressively helpful in the most practical ways.

May 25, 2007 -- Venus, your ruler, makes a super aspect to changes planet Uranus today, so you will be looking for new and exciting experiences of one sort or another. You may even decide that your current job or career no longer engages you enough and start looking around for something more stimulating. You'll find it too.
I love that phrase "Be aggressively helpful in the most practical ways." I hope that was a part of my day yesterday. I had a strange meeting with one of my co-workers that did make me laugh, but it also gave me good food for thought. I am challenging myself on a new (another new) level as we go into our next school year. It is always helpful for me to have "date triggers" - 12/31/0__; 7/1/___; beginning of a season; whatever - they "ask" me to review and restart. In my present setting it is 7/1/07, the beginning of our new school/fiscal year.
Yesterday was full - more debriefing...I need to "un-brief" from the debriefing; then eating in the Common Room instead of the dining hall because the Senior prank was turning the dining hall into a disco dance hall and they put all the chairs and tables out on the front lawn of the school, then a late work day walk, then down to the faculty-student softball game, then back to the office to tie up a few loose ends since I would be out today, then to dance class, then to my co-worker's son's rec ball game, then to Target to get a baby gift card for one of the teachers, then home, then a soaking bath AND TO BED. I thought about watching Letterman, but I could not find the inspiration. Maybe tonight.
This morning I need to pick up a bit with the haircut lady coming to the house to cut my hair, then to the manicure place with my gift certificate from one of the Trustees, then to the parents for lunch and wash clothes, then to cash in my cans, pick up my June book club book, then walk, then dinner with my ex-co-workers, THEN Letterman? Letterman will be the wild card. It is going to be 90+ degrees today, so we will see how wilted I will be on this first real summer like day. I did leave a message with my brother asking when his pool will be open...I was hoping for this weekend, but he is tied up with work and his daughter's basketball tournament schedule. Darn those kids and work!!!
I was thinking of walking to the movies tomorrow, but the movie I wanted to see had its last day yesterday. Guess I was not supposed to see it.
Have a great holiday weekend!

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