Thursday, July 19, 2007

What a difference a day makes...

Good "premonition" yesterday a.m. - It was a long day. I got to work after a very abbreviated walk and a quick stop at the dining hall to have my camper continental breakfast. I will be paying for getting off my eating regime, but I haven’t felt like stopping at the store. I will get back on track this weekend. Boss was away on Wednesday. I had no idea that she had a trip planned but my day “worked”. After work I walked to the library/community center for what I thought was going to be a few minutes for my “interview” for my town volunteer job…I got home at 10 p.m. My interview was at 6:30 p.m., but then I got listening to the meeting issues. And I found myself sitting next to my mother’s old friend’s son who has just put his Republican hat into the ring for 1st Selectman. After our exchange last night, I am glad to say I will not be tempted to go to the “dark side” in my voting. The Board of Selectman went easy on me and my name made everybody feel like they knew me even though I have not been in town for years. As always, I am thinking about all of what I could have said, but I will make it my goal to “make them proud” on my committee work.

When I turned my phone back on after the meeting, I found a message from sister #3’s partner. I was one day away from being where that pipe explosion was on Lexington and Grand Central Station. As I told her in an email, “the news gave me pause”. I don’t know if I would have gotten home on the train if I had a Wednesday Conan night rather than Tuesday… I am curious where the boss was in NYC or if she was on the way home by the time of the explosion.

I need a beach day on Saturday – need to “fill up”. I did not read as much on Tuesday’s train rides as I thought I would. “Life” around me was too distracting – in a good way.

Better get a whole walk in this a.m

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