Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back on track

I could just list somethings that have changed in the last couple of days:

1. changed all the light bulbs to those curly ones
2. started doing my walk at 4:30 p.m. and then go back to work until 7 p.m. - good thing - the work, exercise, food balance thing is working much better
3. had two free tickets thrown my way for the BC-St Louis game next Tuesday night. Finally - in my pursuit since 1995, I will get to see Majerus in the flesh...and that is a "big" statement when talking about Coach Majerus. I really cannot even get my mind around it right now. It will be a landmark event in my silly life.
4. getting involved in the hiring process of who will be my 2008-09 boss - it is going to be a "drama" - good thing
5. Patriots seem to have their eyes set on the undefeated season - two blows at once for the Dolphins in this season
6. UCONN over Duke women!
7. UCONN football goes to NC for a bowl game - seems like my worlds keep colliding
8. Son went to Canada for Thanksgiving. The girl he was visiting had to come "claim" him out of the custom "interview" room. He loves the drama of his life too.
9. my cosmic guidance for the week ahead: "Some years ago, in an advertisement designed to attract Spanish-speaking fliers, U.S.-based Braniff Airlines bragged about its leather seats with the phrase "viajar en cuero." But that phrase actually means "to travel stark naked," not "to travel on leather." The marketing department goofed. One of your main goals in the coming week, Libra, should be to prevent comparable outbreaks of the "lost in translation" syndrome. In fact, I urge you to act as an interpreter in situations where different worlds overlap. Be sure, for example, that extroverts and introverts understand each other. Facilitate the communication between cynics and optimists, morning people and night owls, caffeine addicts and pot heads, dreamers and realists. Be especially alert for misunderstandings that may arise during interactions between the right and left sides of your own brain."
10. cosmic for the day: "November 28, 2007 -- Something you are expected to do today may seem trivial but if you make a good job of it you will be noticed by people who could have more important jobs for you to tackle later on. Force yourself to be interested in what you are doing - if your attitude is right everything else will be too."

Had a funny conversation with my co-workers today - I think I am being over the top friendly - but I still seem pretty ice cold by those around me...guess I have not cracked the smiling on the inside, but it can't get out syndrome. But they find it very entertaining. Oh well. Everything else is moving along, so no complaints here.

Have a good rest of Wednesday.

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