Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday again!

I seemed to wait for years for Friday to come last week and it came up on me from nowhere this that works for the anticipation week versus the activity week. I did some candles and incense last night to try and get myself re-centered for the post holiday, New Year week ahead. I did my wash downstairs the last two nights. It was also mattress turning time, but luckily this quarter was a turn not a flip quarter. Can't get more mundane than washing clothes and rotating the mattress.

Did get a call from sister #5. She and her daughter think JUNO is a movie that has my name written all over it. I emailed my old college roommate to see if she wants to go see it sometime this weekend. It is being shown at Blue Back so that could kill two birds with one stone since she has not gone on my Blue Back walking tour yet. I also have a plan in my head to make a swing of southern CT to deliver some New Year's wishes to some old friends. We will see.

Today I am off to the office. Mild forecast for today, so I want to get a good walk in before dark. Winter storm being predicted for New Year's Eve. I will be happy to watch football and read my book beginning Saturday night. I am glad the NFL Network lost their monopoly on the Giants game. I am hoping that Bryant Gumbel embarrasses himself on the national stage. He is a Bates College graduate like my father and sister #4, but he is the worst play by play guy.

Roger Clemens has hired a flashy lawyer to defend himself. I do miss the "characters" I was surrounded by when I lived in Houston.

A good friend called last night, she is planning to accompany her husband to St Croix in March and would I meet her there?...I will put that in my thinking area of my brain. Another plan I have in that area is to go back to NYC and get off the train at 125th street and follow a path through Harlem to see the historic buildings and walk upper Manhattan like I have lower Manhattan. And another thing in that thinking area is to see what sister #4 is planning to do for her post school year, pre summer job time period in June. She is finally thinking about taking advantage of a travel grant her school offers to teachers to provide them enriching experiences to make them better teachers.

Have a good Happy New Year weekend.

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