Sunday, April 28, 2024

2 hrs plus on the phone... :)

Did not see last night coming.  5:52 p.m. start time for 2 hours, 27 minutes, 37 seconds...with my brother's youngest daughter.  Lots to talk about - her life and life of her sister/brother in law/nephew/father/mother/her aunts.  Lots to talk and think about.  She also shared that she is headed this way at end of May for a memorial of life for two of her friends who died in early 2024.  

A bit of an overload night, moving into a possible visit today by a college roommate for breakfast down the street.  But got a note last night while I was on the phone that one of the people who was supposed to come with was not feeling well.  Might be a "game day" cancellation.  Not a problem - whether it happens or not.  Missed a call from TX friend.  Will see if she reaches back out today.  

So yesterday - All In, Tim Ferris Random Show.  Walk.  Saw PD buddy and a friend of my brother's.  Did some research for him and sent it to my brother to send along to him.  Phone call.  Sent my check for sister #1's 55th high school reunion in July.  We have lots of siblings in the her class/my class years.  

Today - breakfast, walk to Unionville, 4 p.m. CA/ME DC, 7 p.m. CA DC.  

If you learn something to your advantage over the next few days be smart and keep it to yourself. That may not be easy as you do like to chat but on this occasion you would do well to recognize that knowledge is power and not to be wasted.

You'll feel most in control and grounded when in the comfort of home, dearest Libra, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar fourth house. Use this energy to catch up on household chores or finally pull the trigger on any home improvement projects you've been meaning to start. Organization and hard work will support your visions, bringing even the most creative fantasies to life. Embrace nostalgic foods as the hours continue to pass, cultivating an extra layer of carefree softness. A cleansing energy fills your space when the sun and moon connect tonight, marking the perfect moment to light candles, open windows, and call in divine peace.

A subject you're researching, perhaps for a class or workshop, might prove more difficult than you expected, Libra. The resources you consult might be very scholarly and thus difficult to read. If you can't find anything comprehensible, try to rent or buy a video on the subject. It's more important to understand the material than force yourself to approach it in the accepted scholarly manner. It's also important that you enjoy it.

Divine peace, cleansing energy...fingers crossed.  Have a good Sunday.  

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