Monday, September 30, 2024

People along the walk

Ran into my election days boss and his wife.  No news on the family friend in hospice.  Ran into sister #1's classmate and wife.  Left for walk at 10 a.m., back at 1:30 p.m.  :)  Lots of chatting.  Note from son saying that where we were last summer visiting his college buddy and his wife in NC - town wiped out.  I can't tell if CCLD was impacted to any extensive degree.  But sister #1 has many friends in Asheville and it was bad but all communicating with her so that was a good sign.  

Last day of September.  Nothing on my calendar.  Sad about Kris Kristofferson.  Watched the last minutes of the Chiefs game.  

The sun and Mercury join forces in your sign today, which will clarify your thoughts and make it obvious what needs to be done. On the work front, especially, your ability to look and plan ahead will bring opportunities that are denied to your rivals.

Traditional routines could fail you this morning, dearest Libra, as the Virgo moon faces off with Saturn. Intense to-do lists, busy schedules, and a fierce desire for more will weigh heavily on the mind, and it may become evident that specific changes are needed. Luckily, Mars steps in to show a better way forward, helping you restructure patterns and behaviors that have been holding you back from reaching greater heights. Speak your truth when the sun and Mercury unite in your sign this afternoon, and consider how your voice can bring in new opportunities. Connect with your spirituality before heading to bed when Luna and Jupiter align amongst the stars. 

A strong attraction to someone could take you by surprise today, Libra. This person could be involved in the arts in some way, perhaps film, television, or recording. You might spend considerable time, perhaps virtually, together for the purpose of working on a project, but the energy between you should be strong and apparent to both of you. If you're interested in a new relationship, make sure you look your best!

Cosmic guidance does not scream to me.  I will just see what unfolds.  Have a good Monday.  

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