Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Well that was a good few days :)

Birthday boy/brother center photo.  What a good time.  SIL is quite the cook and the lobsters flying in from Maine...can't beat that.  Thursday I got picked up at the airport by my brother, SIL, great nephew.  Great nephew has made lots of progress since I saw him last in April.  A bit of spectrum and a covid baby with the attached speech pathology work.  But so good to see who things are moving along.  Dog walking with brother, SIL and africa dog that came home from Peace Corps with niece, my garage apt.  Good visit.  Friday was a day full of visiting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Great planned visits and great happenstance visits too.  Experienced my brother's meandering rides home.  Now I know why that is the time slot he calls.  Saturday was the party day!  Lobsters arrived at noon just as promised.  Niece's
husband ate his first Maine lobster.  He is a huge fisher person but what they catch and call lobster in NC is a bit different.  Sunday off to Chapel Hill with NC friends.  So good of them to pick me up at brother's.  Got to go by and see NC friend husband's mother - 100 1/2 years old.  It was their 51st wedding anniversary so we headed out for dinner.  They took me by Mack Brown's house.  What a town full of sports.  Monday we had a great coffee klatch with my NC friends, and one of the lawyers who was her boss for 40+ years and I worked in the same firm for a bit.  But we chatted for 2+ hours!  Great visit and then at the end.  I hear my name called out, but my NC friends wife has the same first name and I did not recognize the person calling out...Then he said his name.  A friend of my son's from middle school and high school.  Can't make up my life.  He sent my son a pic he took of the two of us.  Then off to the airport.  I did my usual nervous Nelly, but it was a total of 5 minutes from when I entered the terminal door to when I got through security.  :)  Oh well.  I am who I am.  Had to smile when NC friends talked about their dropping of cable for TV...my obsolescence rears its ugly head again.   

Listening to the morning local news.  Traffic alert at the opening of a Raising Cain chicken place.  Oh boy.  I will try to get my Shoprite trip in before it opens.  

Today - Shoprite, Sr Center to return computer, walk, library to drop and pick up, pay car and renters ins, renew DL, wash clothes.  DC at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.  Bay area CA and San Diego.

The Sun in the most sensitive area of your chart may be a disruptive influence but it does not have the power to stop you from following your dreams. And if your dreams and other people’s dreams happen to coincide it could be magic.

During this time, you'll feel especially intuitive, optimistic, and spiritually on a roll. You could feel artistically inspired, Libra, and channel some of your newfound awareness into recently started projects. Your relationships are probably going well. Your increased understanding of others' needs makes you generous with sympathy or assistance where needed. Enjoy your day.

There will be no shortage of topics to explore under today's Sagittarius moon, sweet Libra, which puts you in a curious and chatty mood. Drop your guard in order to connect, making new friends along the way. The day could take a flirtatious twist once Venus stirs, making your charm irresistible to most. You'll have a gift for making good impressions under this cosmic climate, and focusing on personal goals can help you take major steps in the right direction. Just be open to changing your plans when Saturn becomes agitated, without throwing caution to the wind. Keep a low profile under tonight's quarter moon, taking space to decompress and reflect. 

Sitting in my office, looking out on Main St.  So funny how it is a jolt even after such a short break in my routine...I do have a banana, grapes, cereal, toast ready to be consumed after my coffee.  Have to smile when I think about "no trauma" happened when I went off course - eating, sleeping or walking.  :)  Have a good Tuesday.  

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