Monday, October 07, 2024

Thoughtful Sunday

Still thinking too much about what is happening in NC...  Walked to Unionville.  Talked to sister #1, TX friend.  Not sure what to talk about this a.m.  

The message of the stars as the new week begins is that you need to get the balance right between being assertive and allowing others to call the shots. You may find that a more co-operative approach works better for you over the next few days.

Your words will get you further than you might imagine, darling Libra, as the Sagittarius moon aligns with the nodes of fate. Just be mindful to outgrow any self-restrictive habits you got caught up in historically. Your efforts to reach new levels of success could show signs of paying off later today, thanks to a celestial collaboration between Venus and Mars. Keep pushing for what you're worth, even if you have to toughen up. Don't trip yourself up on too many details when Saturn becomes agitated this evening. Let your mind wander toward pleasant ideas when the sun and moon connect later tonight. 

Be wary of big promises today, Libra. This could be one of those days when people are more likely to take a gamble because they're unrealistic about how things are going to work out. Don't be surprised if the stock market jumps as a result of the dollar signs that people imagine. It will be hard for others to resist when people receive promises of a big payoff.

Alameda yesterday, FL DC tonight.  Returning book to library on walk.  Started W&T book club book this a.m.  Not sure how it is sitting but will keep plugging away.  Book club books are usually ones I would never read if left to my own devices.  :)

Have a good Monday.  

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