Thursday, November 28, 2024

Another 2-5 milers day :)

Walked with family friend in a.m.  After walk I went over to town hall to check on my pay for election day work.  "Sent out Nov 21" was the news.  Said they would recut on Monday if I had not received it.  Got back from town hall to find it in my of little patience.  But at town hall I ran into two former PD co workers.  One who is the town's First Selectman and the other the CAO.  Too funny.  So then I walked over to the town's bank - the only bank within walking distance for me!  Now I have some folding money for the trip with Chris next week.  

Decided to leave the apt cleaning to today since I have no activity planned and it is supposed to be a rain out of a day.  Started reading Finding Margaret Fuller...will see how it is.  No Wednesday shows to watch this a.m.  Not back until Jan 8.  :)

One of the rules of the universe is that your thoughts create your reality and if you keep that point in mind over the next 24 hours some really positive things will begin to develop. The more you smile the more you will gain.

You'll trigger easily as the Scorpio moon squares Mars, darling Libra, causing you to feel disenchanted with your surroundings and society as a whole. Social media and large groups will be incredibly frustrating, making it essential that you seek situations that are grounding and peaceful. The beauty that exists around you will become more evident as afternoon sets in, helping you reclaim a sense of gratitude. Your senses also heighten during this time, encouraging you to seek small luxuries. Work on improving your organization and daily routines as evening sets in, and Luna forms a supportive connection with responsible Saturn.

You might be in a bit of a jam today, Libra, when one person or situation doesn't work well with what you're thinking, and another doesn't fit well with what you're feeling. There's a clash taking place that may be difficult to reconcile, especially if you remain stubbornly in your position. The more flexible you are, the better off you will be.

Smile and be flexible?  Very interesting day ahead.  Happy Thanksgiving.  Have a good Thursday. 

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