Sunday, November 10, 2024

Daily Stoic summed it up yesterday

Our job today and tomorrow is the same as it’s always been—to be good, to be wise, to stand up for what’s right, to resist what is wrong and evil. Nothing changes that. Nothing exempts us from that. Nothing prevents us from doing that.

Instead of walking around and saying all humans are sunshine and rainbows, you can either go into the dark place of ‘humans are all bad’, or you can go into the realistic place and say, ‘some are bad, some are good.’ I’m going to choose to be good. I’m going to choose to leave some kind of good footprints in this world.

Saturday's Daily Stoic email gave me some food for thought.  Lots of thoughts about my footprints on my mind as we speak.  Yesterday - walked.  Came back and got changed and walked to the funeral service for my massage person's father.  I left after an hour and a half.  Got fidgety and was very uncomfortable with the person sitting next to me.  The same "townie" who put a damper on sister #1's reunion gathering for me.  Oh well.  THEN I got home to realize I had not realized that the W&T book club had been moved to yesterday...I got home at 2:16 p.m. from service and the club meets at 2.  Another "oh well".  That kind of day.  

One more pile of "memories" on the living room floor and then I will be done with the sifting and sorting and now the stuff I have in the storage closet is all for son.  Glad to finally have that done.  Only 25 years in the making or I should say moving around from place to place.  :)

Watched Blue Bloods yesterday a.m.  Talked to sister #4 on my walk.  Glad to hear that her check up went well.  Not sure what they are looking for or found, but she seems to be fine with the report except her blood pressure is going up and she has put on 7 lbs since she stopped her summer yacht club job... 

Sister #1 gave us our Thanksgiving task.  One year it was her Tupperware cupboard, this year...I don't know what you call this "collection".  People and their stuff.  :)  I think I know why the Tupperware company went out of business - their stuff seems to multiply rather than disappear over the years.  

Today walk to Unionville, finish that last pile of "memories".  Monday ZEN DC, Tuesday - Shoprite, CA DC, SD CA DC, and Cape Cod DC, Wednesday - EOLD, Joyce, Lansing DC, Thursday - Virginia/Crystal, Rita Mae DC.  Thought-full week. 

 The more open you are to alternative viewpoints the less inclined you will be to get angry about what’s going on in the world. Take a step back from the daily news cycle and invite your mind to show you the bigger picture. Yes, there really is one.

A highly emotional energy fills the air as the moon continues its journey through Pisces, sweet Libra, asking you to acknowledge what you need to feel well. Bring awareness to how your body responds to specific people or situations, opting to invest more of your time and energy towards that which lifts you up. Avoid gossip or sharing secrets when Luna squares Mercury this afternoon, as people will struggle to keep their confidence under wraps. Get a head start on the work week ahead when Luna and Saturn join forces this evening, catching up on chores and planning outfits or meals. 

Take a chance on yourself, Libra, be it a hobby, a passion project or just an innate knowing that you can slow down in life - whatever it may be for you, you are right on track. Cosmic tip: What you have built will not slip away. Trust yourself to make informed choices.

Bigger picture, get a head start on my week, trust myself...  Good thoughts to start my day.  Have a good Sunday.  

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