Monday, December 16, 2024

Day 10

No picture for yesterday. Went to Brewha for brunch. Spent the day at the airbnb. Washed clothes.  Son went out to buy something he had seen  in an antique store.  Funny how different we are.  I can't buy a thing.  He can help himself.  See something, buy something.  Now have to add stopping at someplace to ship his "treasure" on the way to the airport today.  San Francisco in time for dinner tonight.  Pick up by one of the CA DC people who I have never met IRL.  Another one of those things that sounded like a good idea at the beginning of this trip.  Am not feeling how son can feel it a strong option to stay the travel course with his mother dying to get home.  We will see where the San Francisco part of trip takes us.  

Be careful what you say to people today because if you let slip a secret you should have kept you will spend the rest of the week kicking yourself for being indiscreet. Great ideas quickly lose value when too many people know about them.

You'll take Monday by storm as the Cancer moon and Saturn align, beloved Libra, sharpening your wits, organization, and leadership skills. Take charge when it comes to team dynamics, making sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. On a personal level, these vibes can help you tackle many goals at once, allowing you to multitask your way to success. Just remember to ask for some assistance if your workload becomes too burdensome. Slow way down when Luna squares Chiron tonight, making it a point to reconnect with your self-care routines or hide away with that special someone. 

You need bigger and longer hugs than usual today, Libra. A powerful force is moving through your life and trying to shake things up. Don't stoop to the level of petty argument and verbal sparring. The more you resist the opposition, the more stubborn and unwieldy the situation becomes. Make sure you have a good hold on your emotions before you leave the house.

Not feeling in action mode today...still early.  Will keep eyes ahead.  Keep a good thought that things take a turn.  Not sure what turn, but a turn.  Have a good Monday.


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