Thursday, December 12, 2024

Day 6

Surprise, surprise...Horses, goats, know what an animal person I am - the lady was not feeling me making any connection.  I was going to tell her - not the first time I have heard that.  :)  No "magic" but an interesting way to spend an afternoon.   Layered look is not working on me, but warmth comes and goes with the weather.  Oh well.  Did drive up to Jerome to the copper mining area.  Again - another place and people who were having their best life in the late 19th, early 20th century.  Dinner in Cottonwood where I heard on the TV about another New Englander going south.  Bill Belichick going to UNC.  Not sure how popular the girlfriend is going to be with the Rams Club wives...we will see how that goes.  But as a member of said club alluded to - better wait until the ink dries on the contract before anyone gets giddy. 

So yesterday Horses, Jerome, Cottonwood.  Today back to Sedona and hiking.  Tomorrow to Clarkdale for the Christmas Train ride.  Saturday TBD.  Sunday wash clothes and get ready for travel day on Monday.  

Make sure you don’t let slip any kind of sensitive information today. With your ruler Venus at odds with Mars it’s unlikely that anything you reveal, even to your closest friends, will stay a secret for long, so keep what you know to yourself.

The Taurus moon and Saturn align to create an empowering and cleansing energy, dear Libra, putting you in a highly efficient and perceptive headspace. You'll have a knack for identifying and solving problems, which can help you win essential business allies. Your behaviors also come into focus, making it easier to set clear goals around wellness and organization. Creative and intellectual blocks that have been plaguing you will clear tonight, thanks to a helping hand from Mercury Rx and Venus. Allow yourself to experiment as the day comes to a close and Luna unites with Uranus. 

Adjustments may be in order for you to flow easily with the energy of the day, Libra. The prevailing tone calls for a more outwardly directed solution to all situations. You will discover that it's easy to start up new projects today, especially those involving creative or romantic elements. The tricky part will be follow-through. This is your specialty, so don't worry about it. You've got that part covered.

Wrote in my leather journal today about being open to trust, connection, true belief that there is deep meaning to be learned from this trip.  Keep a good thought for that.  Have a good Thursday.  

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