More climbing and walking yesterday. Two more days before we head to San Francisco. Meeting a couple of people there who I have "known" since April 2020 but never met except for zoom screen. First time IRL. Should be interesting. Very nicely one offered to pick us at the airport, take us to airbnb and then dinner.
Did ask my son yesterday morning if I could go home after San Francisco... This trip is so big and what I am facing when I get back is so big as to pushing the reset button...he said, just take it one day at a time. I will try.
From Daily Stoic email: You have so much more in you than it feels like you do. And how do you know this? Because the load you’re handling today dwarfs the load you could have carried at other times in your life, the things you are handling calmly today would have freaked you out just a few years ago.
Today back to Sedona. Tomorrow washing clothes to get ready for flight to SFO.
It’s okay to get emotional once in a while but only get emotional about the right things. If someone you work or socialize with says something that rubs you up the wrong way this weekend your best response by far is to ignore it.
Your dreamy side makes an appearance this morning, darling Libra, as the Gemini moon and Saturn align. You'll feel highly motivated to achieve great things without fearing the work that comes with these aspirations, but be mindful not to pile on too much at once. The universe rushes to your side when Luna and Jupiter join forces, marking the perfect time to ask for aid from beyond. Keep your eyes peeled for signs that may guide you toward a higher path to make the most of these vibes. Your love life benefits from some celestial healing when Chiron stirs this evening.
This may be a frenzied day for you, Libra, but it's likely to settle down as evening sets in. It will be a tender night in which you should stick close to home and get organized. If you have any task that requires discipline, you're better off waiting until tonight to do it. Things will run much more smoothly then.
I will see how the one day at a time, small chunks of vacation at a time works today. Probably the only course to take to see what this was all supposed to be. My son wanting to bust me out of my day to day...brave endeavor. What I do know is that Sedona would never be on my travel list again - if any travel is ever on my list again. :) Beautiful but so indulged on so many levels that I stay away from. Opulence, completely and totally car dependent, conspicuous consumption. I love my small town even more than I did when I left. Hope to get back there in one piece. :) But I am trying to change up my life time mantra of "what is the worst thing that can happen and can I handle it" to keep me from being fearful - to "what is the best thing that can happen and can I accept that? That would be a seismic shift for me. Keep a good thought for that. Have a good Saturday.
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