Thursday, January 16, 2025

Activity picking up...

Early birthday party for sister #4 tomorrow.  In my "I don't cook" cupcake search, I discovered that Cake Gypsy has closed the local shop.   I will check with sister #1 if I need to cross town lines and go to the other store.  Sister #4 is usually the cake baker...can't ask her to make her own.  Sister #1 and gentleman caller will join in.  But this week had already "ticked up" in activity.  Back on my walking routes.  ZEN, CA and EOLD. Chores on the "right" days.  Good news, bad news on routine.  But I will break things up today.  Dinner at Little City Pizza with former school #2 boss.  AND heard via email this a.m. from the woman I replaced to get her as my boss.  Can't wait to tell former boss that two of her former "AA's" (admin assts) might be visiting her.  Will see if I can sell her on coming for the dance recital in early Feb.  That would be fun to have the 3 of us "old timers" walk in to the auditorium at former school #2.  Also email from a cousin's daughter.  I let her know son was going to be in Mexico City for a month.  She travels the world for her job and I wanted to make sure she did not miss him if travels took her that way. 

Got a picture to my picture frame overnight.  Son had layover in Houston and he bought himself - and sent me a pic - of his Antone's po'boy.  That is a flash from our Houston past.  He has the "super original".  :)  Found out what that was by going on the web site.  Original with more meat and surprise there as to his choice.

Heard very good news from landlady that she is on the mend!!!  Her husband/my landlord left to his own devices...not a good thing.  

Today walk and dinner out.  Figure out cupcakes.  Hoping for less wind.  Going to be balmy the next two days, then deep freeze again.  But looks like precipitation will stay south...

You will have to give your opinion on a matter you would prefer not get involved with over the next 24 hours. Let others know which side you think has got it right. Someone’s feelings will inevitably get hurt but that’s just the way it is.

You'll be easily distracted by electronics, social media feeds, and your peers, dearest Libra, as the Leo moon forms unbalanced connections with the sun, Neptune, and the north node. Luckily, you'll have a chance to retreat once the moon enters Virgo, helping you fly under the radar to complete tasks and handle work. This cosmic climate also paves the way for you to adopt better habits, especially when you start small, to integrate more wellness or efficiency into your flow. Treat yourself to a healthy home-cooked meal this evening when the sun aspects Neptune, filling your space with therapeutic vibes. 

Pursuing intellectual interests may be on hold today because of career matters. Your ambitions, whatever they are, could get a shot in the arm through some new information, possibly from far away. This could be uncovered in a newspaper, book, conversation with a friend, or online. Whichever it is, Libra, it's likely to work for you, so make use of it.

Hope that means that a part time job is in my future...  Home cooked meal/pizza with former boss - it will feel the same.  She is a kind soul who keeps an eye on me.  :)  Have a good Thursday.  

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