Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday again, but not as painful a grocery list this a.m. :)

Still dark, but feels very sunrise-ish this a.m.  Maybe it is the full moon shining in my window when I went to bed and when I woke up this a.m.  I had a great ZEN DC last night.  Discussion about the 5 Remembrances...It helps me when things get simple.  And when someone asked, “What is Buddhism?” I would say, “Here. It’s this.”  I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old. - I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape having ill health. - I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death. - All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them. - My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.  I am reading that last one over and over.  My actions are the ground I stand on.  I also feel good that the woman I visited in San Francisco reached out for some information about the Center for Conscious Living and Dying.  I love it when I can spread the word about good places and good people.  

On a lighter note, first reservoir route walk yesterday since I got back from trip.  Crickets from son.  He takes off for his next adventure tomorrow.  Will see if I hear from him today.  Shoprite this a.m. - fortunately only need a very few things!  Wash clothes, do a load of dishes.  

Call from sister #6.  Her SIL is getting jammed up financially by a "woman scorned" mother who is piling on the debt before her divorce is final so the husband with the new - and MUCH younger - girlfriend can walk away from paying her debts.  The son and mother had shared a credit card when he was in college that is still open and she has run to its max...son wanted to make sure that he got as far away from that as possible which he did with some guidance from his father.  Yikes. Go back to #5 of the 5 remembrances...

National Pizza week so I think that makes the decision as to pizza or burger choice for Thursday with former school #2 boss.  :)

You are in one of those moods when you are so determined to succeed that you will allow nothing and no one to stand in your way. There is not the slightest doubt in your mind that you will reach your ultimate goal sooner rather than later.

You'll catch the eye of important members of your social sphere today, darling Libra, as the moon enters popular Leo. Use this energy to show that you're in high demand, but be mindful to stay humble while Pluto activates, which could stir envy amongst peers. The universe will be in the mood to grant wishes when Venus squares Jupiter this afternoon. However, you'll want to get your affairs in order to prepare for any new tasks or responsibilities that may manifest as a result. Set a positive example later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Jupiter, expanding your reach. 

A talent for a new field that you might never have tried before could come to light, Libra. This might involve modern technology in some way or writing, drawing, or both. Communication with others should be warm, congenial, open, and honest. You can expect to gain a lot of pleasure from relationships of all kinds. Expect at least one of your conversations to turn to the fine arts or metaphysics.

Keep waiting for my EVERSOURCE electric bill...I was gone for 27 days...it should be pennies.  If it is not, I will need to figure out what the billable items are that are racking up the watts.  :)  Other than that, not much on the calendar.  Have a good Tuesday.  

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