Sunday, March 09, 2025

Good thoughts for the "spring ahead"

My Daily Stoic sharing from yesterday...good thoughts as we go into weather change and time change...change.  

Each season brings new life, yes, but also marks the cessation of life. It’s a painful truth, written in the rings of the tree. Winter is dead and over…and all of us a little more so, too. This notion serves as a gentle nudge, reminding us of the preciousness of every moment. It urges us not merely to exist but to truly live, to seize each season and extract its full potential.

“Spring is a great time to ‘come back to the rhythm,’ as the Stoics talk about. We’ve been jarred by circumstances, sure, but this is our opportunity to get back on track. To return to philosophy. To fight. To be who we’re meant to be. To do the things we know that we’re supposed to be doing.”

Heard from son.  He is still in Mexico City.  My worry meter is hovering in the red zone but I try to be very matter of fact about how he moves through life.  

Yesterday I was in bed at 6:51 p.m. and woke up at 4 a.m.-ish.  We will see how my body settles in today to the later sunset by the clock...WHY do we keep this "fall back, spring ahead".  Need to put this under the scrap pile as so many things are finding their way to that pile in 2025.  Might as well throw all the cards in the air.  

"Blues" basketball had different results yesterday.  The sky blue hits my heart more than the dark blue.  Former co-worker from Houston texted me last night to see if I was watching THE game.  Always makes me smile when people remember from decades back as to where my heart sits.  :)

But with everything that has unsettled me this week, this morning I am busting into the orange marmalade!  First time I have ever had it in my kitchen cabinet and can't wait to slather it on my toast this a.m.  Today is an egg and toast morning.  And sales have me with real butter.  Bonus morning.  Silly life.  :)

Heard back from FEN yesterday.  I will get my volunteer assignment.  Hope this will get me focused with my energy.  Working on my submittal to the COA tomorrow too.  TX friend is working on a new car, selling house, new grandbaby.  All things out of my range of motion and at the same time, not in a "less than" or "missing out" area.

The more a colleague or business associate tries to persuade you that joining them in a specific course of action will make you both rich the more you should be on your guard. Is it wrong to be so distrustful? Not when your money is at stake.

Merge productivity with pleasure today, dear Libra, as the Cancer moon aspects Uranus and the nodes of fate. This energy is perfect for working on the self, strengthening your resilience, work ethic, and motivation to find empowerment and evolve. A helpful connection with Neptune brings order to your dreams, helping you decipher which tasks should take precedence when building your dream life. Consider how technology, social media, or special interest groups can take these aspirations further once Luna enters Leo later today. Just be mindful not to compare your progress with that of your peers when Pluto becomes agitated later tonight. 

Spending time outdoors in quiet reflection can be incredibly rejuvenating, Libra. Consider taking a half-hour walk through a city park or a nearby natural setting. This brief escape will help you feel more rested and grounded, providing a much-needed break from your busy routine. You've been working hard lately, and it’s essential to refill the well of your soul. Prioritize this downtime to avoid burnout. Remember, a little self-care goes a long way in maintaining your energy and well-being. Make it a habit to weave these peaceful moments into your day.

Cosmic guidance reminds me that I had a great walk yesterday.  "Walked into" PD friend and family friend's daughter and grandsons.  Took a chance on the rails to trails route I had been avoiding in case there was any ice or snow left - but found it to be clear sailing.  Landlord called me down to his workshop as I walked by at the end of walk yesterday.  He was working on some "planks" to take down to his beach house in a few weeks.  We also confirmed that he will also take the microwave I was gifted by sister #1 last year.  They need a new one for the beach house.  Glad that worked. :)  I will try the route to Unionville today.  So I will be spending time outside today - 2 hours is my thought of timing.  

Have a good Sunday.  

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