Thursday, March 06, 2025

Two angel numbers yesterday - day went well :)

Apartment cleaning yesterday.  Regular Tuesday chores done "on schedule" this week.  :)  Do need to tone down the incense a bit until it is time when I can open windows.  Might open for a minute today in the back of apt (no switch from storm to screen yet in older windows in front).  50 degrees as we speak at 4:25 a.m.!  

Other than cleaning - walk with family friend - will hope by week end that the rails-to-trails will be clear for walking and I can get back to regular routes.  Noon presentation was great.  One of the presenters is the Director of the place I recently applied for a job...moonshot, did not get it, but it did my heart good when she "saw me in the crowd" and said hello in chat to me.  :)  I was intrigued by the work of the woman in Pittsboro.  Sent that along to an NC friend and her husband who live in the town.  Then at 4 p.m. FEN annual meeting.  Good discussion on end of life emergency situations and how people need to be prepared to have a strong advocate...I will be exploring that more once son is back in US.  Might to hard for him as son and being geographically far away.  

Got text from landlady when I was on zoom to say that "quiche on your stoop"!  GREAT second meal option for me yesterday.  Dee-lish as always.  

Today - with the nice temperatures - I will wander as long outside as I can.  :)  

People are what they are and there is very little you can say or do to make them change their ways. But why would you want to do that when, by following your own path and not worrying about others, life will be both successful and fun.

The Gemini quarter moon encourages you to expand upon existing aspirations, dear Libra, but avoid biting off more than you can chew. Staying organized can make the difference between thriving and flailing, especially if you're chasing multiple goals at once. A sweet and spiritually charged energy finds you later this afternoon when Chiron activates, nudging you to open up with a close companion. Consider bonding over philosophical discussions or swapping dreams to forge even stronger bonds. Curb expectations are rooted in a quest for perfection when Luna squares Saturn this evening, opting for grace instead of rigidity. 

You might learn something unsettling about a friend today, Libra. This revelation could make you see a different side of them, prompting you to distance yourself and reassess the friendship. It's important to remember that everyone has their flaws. Ask yourself if what you discovered is just a part of being human, or if it's truly something you can't overlook. Take a moment to reflect on your values and boundaries. Consider having a candid conversation with this person to understand their perspective. Trust your instincts and choose what's best for your emotional well-being.

Picked up the second in the Hwy 59 series yesterday.  Enjoying that one as of last night.  Will see what the day brings.  Grace over rigidity.  Have a good Thursday.  

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