Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fresh Air Thursday!

Very interesting seminar yesterday. My new mantra is "If it is not a #10, Take 10" - as in after May 14, if you are not sending out a non-window, #10 envelope, take 10 minutes to make sure you have the right mailing for the right price. And bad news for my co-workers, it got me thinking about our planning "regime" and I am going to share some of my ideas with them...this will probably be the last field trip I get to go on after they see how they set my brain on fire!

But talking about on fire...I had quite the experience driving two hours with two smokers. I can pretty much say that one of them had a cigarette going the entire trip AND they are cold natured (I think because of poor circulation due to smoking) so we had windows up and heat on on the way up and pretty much windows up on the way was incredible how bad my body felt and I can't imagine what the impact must be on their bodies. And I understand it is hard, but it makes me mad when I am in the same "pool" they are when the cost of our medical premiums are figured up... When I got home, I had all the windows in my car open on my drive from our meeting place home, I took my regular walk, then took a shower, then walked again to the library to listen to a Hartford Courant columnist and then walked home and took a bath. I still felt like I was stinking of smoke and I couldn't shake the smell. I feel better this a.m. but I still feel "smoky". I opened all the windows in my car - I feel even the short ride home affected my seat - and all the windows in the house.

Looks like 50 Cent is selling his mansion a town over. Big local news.

As to my postal meeting - very interesting mail world as of May 14 and then planning for what the USPS plans to do in 2009. It was fun listening to how other companies were handling the changes. It is amazing what some are doing. I sat at lunch with a lady from Talbot's and they are talking about limiting the size of catalogs they send out by just sending you information about what you buy. Bryant University is personalizing their catalog based on interests of kids making the request. Our issues are small potatoes in comparison to others I spoke with yesterday, but it is all relative. Even a small saving on every mailing could be a positive for our school - in my mind.

Sister #1 emailed from St Lucia last night to report on her book club's meeting on TTW. Not the most popular selection per her. I did love it!!! And as to letters - even though I missed HOUSE and DWTS on Tuesday. I was glad that Cliff got voted off so I don't feel like I missed anything.

Have a good FRESH AIR Thursday!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, you are too funny!
1st about them sending you on a "Field Trip" and your mind now going wild. Then about your car ride. Although I must say, smoking and windows closed AND heat on is very sickening! If not Rude!
And tehn you are GLAD Cliff is off Dancing??????? How can you say that. Although I did not see it THIS week, I liked John and I thought he was doing good!
And it still always ammazes me how much you get done in ONE day!
Talk Soon

None said...

My days do get away from me sometime! I am still smelling smoke...