Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Another early morning

Off to Boxborough MA this a.m. in my co-worker's smoking mobile. But I forgot something from my walk last night. From the beginning of my route to the end, it looks like someone just drove along throwing ceramic mugs out of his/her car. I wish I had a bag with me as that a friend of mine makes beautiful art from broken plates and mugs. She gave me a wonderful piece with "Live Free, Hurt No One" written in broken pieces. Also, reserved a spot to go see Tim Wise speak in Easthampton MA on May 11. He will be speaking about diversity at independent schools. I am looking forward to it. I have a conflict on May 10, Bob Woodruff is speaking at our school AND dance class wins. 750 people signed up to come hear Mr. Woodruff - should be quite an event for our 200+ student population school. Pray for good weather since tents are the only way we can accomodate that many people! Book Club on the 14th. I LOVED OUR BOOK! Then reunion weekend at school May 18-20 which will be non-stop work from what I hear.

Sick about Tom Poston passing and the hamstring injury of the "baby pitcher" for the Yankees. They can't seem to buy a break today. I am about to get interested in the NBA playoffs if the Warriors and Mavericks get interesting. Don Nelson versus his old team and Mark Cuban...

Better get my healthy breakfast in me before I get in my unhealthy riding situation this morning. Luckily the rain stopped so I can have my window open!

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