Thursday, May 03, 2007

A bit of a bubble bursting day...

I had a little roller coaster ride today. I was all pumped up from my field trip, we were a "skeleton crew" in the office and I had aspirations of continuing to inspire myself and all those around me with all my good and smart thoughts that were racing through my mind. THEN around 2 p.m. and right before our afternoon walk was about to talk place, the new Head of School called and I thought she was following up on some direction questions she had asked as she worked through her first "official" event in NYC. She shared with me that she had asked the Assistant to the Director of Finance to be her new assistant. It took me by surprise, but the ATTDOF had "institutional knowledge" that I do not have. Makes sense on some level, but I was sad for a bit. It was also strange because ALL the skeletons of our skeleton crew AND the present Assistant to the Head of School and soon to be Athletic Director were ALL in my office when the call came in. I was holding the phone receiver so close to my head so the conversation would not leak out that I felt that the receiver was becoming lodged in my ear AND with my non-poker face, it was very good that I was not facing the group as I listened. Luckily the call came right before we were going to take our afternoon walk, so the fresh air and sunshine helped me put the pieces back together where my head had blown off... NOW my challenge is to redirect the energy and inspiration I thought I was going to take across the street with me into my present position. I need to flick the switch, but I think I will do that tomorrow.
To wrap up the day, I took my after work walk in the school area and got a bite to eat in the dining hall and then went to the Middle School Evening of Excellence! It was the best thing I could have thought about doing. Chorus, orchestra, drumming and dance - I don't know how our music and dance people do it. Then I came home to clean house and now I am headed to my bathtub to soak out whatever is left over from my news today and call it a day.
I do know that what happened today is exactly what needed to happen, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't rattle my teeth for a bit.
Have a peaceful evening.

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