Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Saturday

Summer came to all of us in my state today. People were moving in all directions and having Friday off to do all my errands was good except it is a strange crowd out there on the road on a weekday. I saw 4 car accidents as I worked my way on my route. I don't know if it was the heat, old people behind the wheel or people rushing around due to the holiday, but it was certainly not a pretty picture on the road. I started my day slowly, then things picked up. 1) haircut lady came to the house to trim my hair 1A) stopped by the bank to leave off a check order - it kills me to order checks since I only use 2/month, but I do have to pay my rent by check, so I better not run out 2) off to use my manicure gift certificate - it was the best I ever had and it was something I did often in my Houston TX life 3) then to cash in my cans 4) then to the dry cleaners to bring my winter slacks in for their season ending cleaning 5) then to my parents for wash and lunch - my father asked if I would drive them and a friend of theirs to lunch during my June vacation time. They don't ask much so I will make a plan to do that 6) then to Kohls to buy "hosiery" for prize night and graduation 7) Then a walk to the Park and Rec to buy my pool pass and Library (same building) to pick up June book club book - Leap of Faith by Queen Noor and then take the long way home to finish my walk 8) then to dinner at Casille's 9) then home to have a Mike's hard lemonade and call it a day...

That leaves today as an open slate - the only plan I have to decide on is it Drum Circle or church at 5 p.m. I think I will opt for Drum Circle. And do I or don't I go to Radio Shack to replace my remote control...

Sister #3 bought my son an airconditioner - I am not sure why, but I am sure he appreciates it. He did mention that he needed one, but...

And talking about needed things - I am thinking about new tires or new car. I have had the check engine light on now for 2000 miles...and I am trying to decide if I take my car in for oil change and new tires or just bite the bullet and buy a new one. I want to have a road trip ready vehicle in time for my vacation and even though I have 143,000 miles - I don't know if check engine light and need for tires is the right time for calling it quits on the MAZDA and start looking for my Scion or Mazda replacement.

Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who leaves you comments or do I only get to see my comments?

None said...

only one...