Sunday, May 27, 2007

The knitting circle and more

I finished The Knitting Circle yesterday and started Leap of Faith. Except for the fact that I slipped and fell...inside my apartment - it was a peaceful, reading day yesterday. I passed on the Drum Circle and went to church and for my walk, but other than that I was in the house either reading or writing. It was a different day. I have not had as many days like that over the last year as I have had in the past. There were many days that would go by when I could go through the whole day without speaking with another human being...My son did call at the end of the my day, beginning of his. He had a break before "showtime" at one of his jobs. He is thinking through what to do with his life - short term, long term. I can't be much of a guide for him in that process since I am going through the same questioning...

Today is a slow start. More reading. I began Leap of Faith with the thought that I was not going to like it, but I am enjoying it. I also researched a possible day trip to the Donald M. Kendall Sculpture Garden. I am thinking I will go there during my vacation. I am thinking it was a offspring or grandchild of Kendall who was in the Peace Corps with sister #1, but that may be in my "fact or fiction?" area.

I do have to go grocery shopping today and if my travels take me by Radio Shack, I will check into the remote control issue.

Two more weeks of school. Classes tomorrow when most people will be having their bar-be-ques. Have a great holiday.

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