Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day and more

37th Earth Day!! I remember the first one, but I would never thought it was that long ago. I am thinking that people are "getting it" now? We will see how long this attention span will be.
Had a great cover on our church bulletin this week in memory of the Virginia Tech victims - "Trust God at all times, my people! Pour out your hearts to God our refuge!" This helped with my thoughts of Virginia Tech, but also the death of my friend's mother in law on Friday night. This was the friend that I was supposed to be walking with this a.m., but obviously she had to call me and cancel yesterday. As to this sadness, the good news is that she and her husband have lived a life of no regrets when it comes to their friends and family and I hope they will have some peace now that his mother/her mother in law is at peace now. Both my friend and her husband have been there for their families to a degree I have not witnessed in any other people I have known in my life. I am lucky to have experienced their caring in my own life. This ties into my Earth Day and more thinking - their lives take care of their friends and the world they live in - on many levels.
And in the "everything that is happening today is exactly what needs to be happening", my weekend is working for me on many levels. I had many chances to have made plans that would have taken me this way and that, but because "my plans" did not come to fruition, it has been a benefit to me. I had a good school day yesterday and plan on having a good day today enjoying the sunshine and my book. Perfect way to start the day and get me ready for my Friday, Saturday, Sunday trip to NYC this upcoming weekend.
I do need to buy a hairdryer today. Do they sell them at Kohl's? That way I do not have to get in my car. I will check their web site before I go further with "my planning".
Hope the world "is working" for you as it is for me (and does everyday if I just let it...)
Have a great week!

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