Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A full day at school

I am now wondering what I thought was going to happen today. Flower arranging; presentation at school; lunch; walk; go to softball and lacrosse games for a few minutes; dinner; call from my birthday boy son; Aphrodesia concert; return something at EMS (sister #5 did not think too highly of my passport holder idea...); and home for a hot bath as the day had turned cold and rainy by the dinner time. And - oh yeh - I had a bit of real work to squeeze in between the other "engagements".

AND: Happy Administrative Professionals Day to someone who's made this place what it is today...No really--that's supposed to be a compliment. With a card and a beautiful plant for moi!

Betty's AIDS Educational Foundation at 11:15 - commemorating the life and death of one of the school alumnae. Incredibly moving presentation.

Aphrodesia: An 11-piece Afrobeat orchestra direct from San Francisco, Aphrodesia has been filling theaters around the country with their rowdy blend of African rhythms, exotic melodies, slamming percussion and monstrous horns. At once socially charged in the tradition of African greats like Fela Kuti and as intoxicating as a drop of honey on your lover's trembling backside, Aphrodesia's music and stage show are irresistible.

They were great!!! And it was like a private party with just a handful of staff and girls in attendance.

And my cosmic guidance:

April 25, 2007 -- You must think for yourself today. Don't just accept what the so-called experts tell you - check it out for yourself. Already your inner voice is telling you that the evidence does not add up and if you do a bit of digging today you will see that is true. Then others will think you are the expert. Charge by the hour.

and more,

On December 10 last year, 36,000 couples got married in Delhi, India. The mad rush to the altar was prompted by Vedic astrologers, who decreed that day to be an auspicious time to wed. I don't know enough about the Vedic system to judge whether its practitioners would also regard the coming weeks as propitious for ritual unions. But my reading of the omens says that from the perspective of Western astrology, it's very favorable for you Libras. If you've been thinking about deepening your commitment to a trustworthy partner, you've got cosmic mojo on your side--not just for romantic mergers, but also for business deals, artistic agreements, mutual oaths, and just about any splashy adventures in togetherness.

I think my day has been full and it is soon to be over.

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