Monday, April 23, 2007

Record Temps - but now high!

Hard to keep up with the weather. People were complaining about it being too hot yesterday...some people! I had an interesting day going with the weekend theme that whatever plan I have - throw it out the window - let it go and see what happens. So I did my usual watching of talking heads in the a.m., then headed in to my parents with my book with the plan to drag some lawn chairs out to their backyard and read and relax and enjoy the sun. When I got there my parents were on the way out to the store, so I had an hour by myself with the sun and the Sunday newspaper. Saw the current Head of School's house in the RE section $749,000...I was guessing high 500's when I saw it on Thursday night. I will be curious to see what it sells for.
Then my parents got back and they joined me in the backyard. And then we had a surprise visit from my cousin and another cousin's daughter. It was a "transit stop" getting the daughter to the New Haven train station. My cousin was surprised to see me since she thought I would be at the walk in Fairfield and I was surprised to see her because her usual Sunday routine is church and lunch with friends. Changes in every one's plans made for serendipitous meetings throughout my day. I love that when that happens. But no book club book got read, but that is OK. My cousin's daughter is a completely and totally huge success story. Went from CCSU to OPRAH Magazine in NYC and now works for one of INSTYLE Magazines - she is a photographer. She is good, an incredible worker and even better networker.
Brought my pictures from the Historical Museum into my parents. I was very happy to find out that my dad recognized the "old neighborhood" and even though the picture was taking in 1904, it was the same line up of houses from when we lived there in 1950-1955. The second picture he was not sure about, but I am sure he will be studying it.
Then on the way home I stopped at Kohl's to replace my hairdryer that died Sunday a.m. I was in luck and one was on sale. Then I went over to Dick's to see if they had the passport holders I was looking for to give sisters #4, 5 and 5's daughter. They did not have them, but when I got home I checked the EMS web site and I will stop by our local EMS store to see if they have what is shown online. When I was walking between Kohl's and Dick's, someone called out sister #3's name and I turned around (being one of six kids, we all answer to any of the names) and it was a guy I graduated from high school with who I adored (what boy did I not adore....) and he was someone I was hoping to see now that I was home. He was doing his volunteer work of driving older people to local shopping areas from the town he lives in now - one town over from our hometown. I should remember who he married, but it escaped me yesterday. The one thing I thought about was - was I really that "unremarkable" to people in high school? The fact that this guy would not remember my first name...So far I have been called sister #1's name by the guy who I was "deeply in love with" in high school and now sister #3's name by someone who I thought I made an "indelible impression" - it looks like my fact and fiction problems is not a current phenomenon. Oh well.
After my string of chance encounters, I was off for my walk. Ran into my next door neighbor's boyfriend in the parking lot, so I ran up to tell her that I had the high school boy sighting and then I was off for my walk - in flip flops AND shorts! Great day.
Post walk, I watched the Letterman segment from the Correspondents' dinner. Too funny. Rich Little, not funny. Then I took a shower (warm weather and hot baths do not mix), I tried out my new hairdryer, then crawled into bed with my book. My friend whose mother in law passed away called and I shared with her that I did not make it to the walk (I had pre-registered so they had my donation so I was glad for that). Her son and son's team had a good college lacrosse game on Saturday. I do hope to make a game before the season is up.
Great weekend and I am looking to a great week - back to dance class after missing class last Thursday. Friday to Brooklyn! Nothing but good to look forward to PLUS the weather.

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