Friday, May 04, 2007

A new day

A new day and a new approach on my part. Friday morning is the "scheduled" meeting time for my boss and me, (I am fighting with this grammar...) so we will see what was discussed at the reception and dinner last night in NYC and what her approach to me is now that the word is out that I am sticking with her. But the good news is it is a beautiful day AND dress down day, so the bluejeans will come out for me. I also have to get on writing an outline to present to the Dean of Studies as my proposal to teach a segment of the freshman Leadership Class. I have an idea and need to redirect my thinking back to that now that I know I will not be moving across the street on a full time basis. I guess that will work to my taking some riding lessons this summer.

Into the parents tomorrow to do my wash and the lawn if my brother changed his mind and left me a small lawnmower. He told my father that he did not want me taking over his landscaping responsibility, but we will see. Then off to my cousin's to help her clean out her house. It is going on the market and she is "a bit" of a pack rat...the total opposite to my "be able to fit everything I own in my car" mentality. And of course, a margarita for Cinco de Mayo! Que bueno! What is not "que bueno" is it looks like I will have to get up Sunday a.m. and go to church at 8 a.m. I missed last week down in Brooklyn, and feel I need a "shot of church" this weekend.

The five day forecast is looking good for the Bob Woodruff/750 people under a tent event at school next week. Of course I will be at dance class and then catch the tail end. Sign up night for the town pool is also the same night, but I don't think I will get home in time, but I did it by fax last year.

Biggest state lottery jackpot amount in the works this week - maybe I better buy a ticket??? 1 in 7.5 million would be my chance to could that be discouraging???

Have a great weekend - Feliz Cinco de Mayo! (In Ecuador it was Diez de Agosto)

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