Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all appropriate parties and to the husbands and offspring who I hope make it through their day without stepping on any landmines. I hope all mothers remember to make their day what they want it to be and anything anyone else does is seen as icing on the cake. My son called me yesterday on his way to work as I was leaving the office after a productive day - he and I have always "worked" the opposite ends of the day. I also had a GREAT brunch at the dining hall. I really do need to take advantage of evening and weekend meals more...

Today I am off to my mother's for lunch, then off to another baseball game (co-worker's son). It is going to be a beautiful day and there is nothing better than being outside and watching baseball!!! I asked Chris if Saturday's call was "the" mother's day call. He said not officially, but if his day gets away from him today keep it "available" to put in that column. It really means more to me that he thinks of me as he waits for the bus or is walking from here to there as he works through Brooklyn than just because it is mother's day. He will be off to Bonnaroo (sp?) and Puerto Rico this summer to film away.

Pedometer check - yesterday was a 13,070 step day for me.

Don't know if they ran the NASCAR race last night in Darlington, but I think they could have filled whatever air time they had put aside for the race with talking about JR leaving DEI. Oh the drama! And talking of drama, what is Ricky thinking!!! I know he has lots of anxiety but if he wants to play football...he has to put the weed away!

On my walk last night I was trying to think about the sporting events I want to attend over the next 12 months - Majerus coached game in St Louis; JameSon game with OKS (if he stays for his senior year); New Hampshire NASCAR race. My 6 weeks vacation "refresh" as of 7/1/07 for the 2007-08 school year. So if anyone has any suggestions.

This week is reunion week so it will be a wild ride based on people who have worked reunions in past years. I also have Book Club on Monday - finally talking about TTW. I have not gotten back into The Knitting Club, but I plan to dip back in this week as I plan my "peaceful places" if the week gets hectic. I am looking forward to the Saturday night gala - for the dinner...I took the scallops option. I also have to think about when I am going to pick up my pool tag since I missed the sign up night last Thursday as it was trumped by Dance Class and cake baking. And I will be dancing and baking again this Thursday night.

Have a great day and week.

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