Monday, May 14, 2007

Reunion Week is here!

Reunion week is beginning and with this being my first at my school, I am not sure what to expect but per my co-workers who have lived through them - I better crank up the energy level. We will see how the days progress.
But yesterday progressed nicely. I started the day at 9 a.m. at Kohl's - needed some not black sandals and they had shells on sale - so I can always use a black and white sleeveless shirt for the summer and they were BOGO, so that always works for me. 2 shirts and sandals $35.99. Then over to Shaw's for the items I needed there which were on special. Then on to BIG Y to buy my mother's day gift for my mother - Friendly's Sundaes to Go (on special - are you getting a theme for my day?) and Milky Way bars - my mother's favorite candy. My thought is one of my other 5 siblings take care of flowers, so I would go with dessert and candy. So with all my shopping done I headed into my parents. When I got there, they were at their favorite Sunday morning shopping stop - Walgren's. They turned a building that used to be an old movie theater into a snappy Walgrens's so they take their Sunday coupons and head over. But I also saw when I got there that the only flower in the place was the plant that "our other sister" brought!!! Oh well. The ice cream and candy were well received. Then I did my wash, had lunch, sat in their backyard to read my book while I waited for the dryer to finish and enjoying the sun, and then headed to the Rec field for another game. My co-worker's son did even better than the other night...I might have to go to every game!!! He was 2 for 3, 3 RBI's, 2 runs scored, good play at first and in centerfield on the defense - good game. I did get to share with his mother about "ducks on the pond" when he came up with people on base and to tell him that run production is a more important statistic than individual batting statistics when he grounded out but 2 runs scored in the process. Good afternoon. Then off to a family friend's house to deliver a birthday card. My parents noticed as we ate lunch that the birthday was on Monday and it was Sunday and the card was still on my Dad's desk. So I delivered it to the birthday house on my way home. It was good to have an excuse to drop in - I dropped and left - but it was nice to see everybody. They were having a family celebration of mother's day and husband's birthday. The birthday celebrant is the son of the man who was our town doctor from the '50's into the 80's. His parents and my parents got together every Thursday night to play bridge, drink and smoke cigarettes - ahhh the good old days - the doctor and his wife both smoked, my parents did not (Thursday was the doctor's day off) for as many years as I can remember. His parents have both passed away. Then home and out for my walk (finished the day at 14,489 steps in case anyone is tracking) and my brother and my niece drove by me while I was walking. They were on their way home from a basketball tournament in New London. Ran into my friend and her daughter in the parking lot of my apartment and told my friend that my parents' neighborhood was singing the praises of the designer working on the interior finishes of their new town library - she is the designer!!! She is the queen of library design in our state. She was voted most artistic in our class high school "superlatives" page. I don't think they can have that page anymore with all the caution about not making any child feel bad...
After all the activity and eating, I checked my emails and had some nice responses to my "Happy Mother's Day" email to all my mother friends, I took a long bath and then got in bed to read my book! I am loving The Knitting Club. One chapter took a turn that took my breath away. I did get a call from my father asking me where I got those sundaes - they are heading to BIG Y today to stock up during the 10 for $10 special.
On the sports front CCSU's baseball team made the NCAA tournament - pretty good for my alma mater - NCAA berth in basketball and baseball tournaments in the same school year. And I am sick of the Jeff and Jimmy show in NASCAR this season.
Better get moving. Have a great day. Frost last night and sunny all day today - it is heaven. Good sleeping and living forecast.

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