Monday, May 28, 2007

Leap of Faith

Seemed like a strange way to spend my Memorial Day weekend, but after reading the news this a.m. about US-Iran talks, what I learned from reading Leap of Faith served me well to put US activity in this region in context. It was a great book and different from the picture I found of Queen Noor and her son from 1999, since she is a year old than I am - I remember the news of her moving her life from Princeton to Jordan. She is completely and totally "anti-Princess Di" and that was the good news as Queen Noor shared her life in this book. I am glad I read the book and I am looking forward to our book club discussion in a couple of weeks.

So after my talking heads' shows on Sunday a.m. and a quick grocery shopping trip mid day, I spent the entire day reading. I also took my "therapeutic" dose of Advil to try and get my back to relax from my "slip" on Saturday a.m....I know it will take a week or so to feel better but Advil does help. I took a short walk to walk back my library book. Other than that, me and my couch. I did get my new Radio Shack remote control on my way to the grocery store - I hate to admit that not having a remote was not a positive in my mind.

I am sad to be going to work on Memorial Day. I would rather be at Arlington Cemetery or even our local town cemetery. I think we have lost touch with the reason we do - or should - have certain days off to move our thinking to a deeper level than during our normal daily routine.

I did not speak with one human yesterday except in line at the grocery store. I caused a stir when a spider crawled out of a plant the lady in front of me was buying and while everyone was looking for something to swat it with I pulled a "Karate Kid" and killed it with my must have been the Advil...people in line were a bit concerned about me after my no hesitation "kill".

Not sure what work will look like today. Should be relaxed. The new Head of School is having a coffee with the parents this a.m. as they drop off the girls. Then she will be meeting with people all day - including everyone except me and my boss - we have the two early a.m. slots tomorrow.

Between my reading this weekend and "Q&A" show on CSPAN last night (with the author of Bombscare) - work is the farthest thing from my mind and that is the good thing.

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