Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday of a new week!

From what I heard yesterday, we might have had a new staff member (not me!!!) do a bit of a lampshade on the head act at our "gala" on Saturday night...I left at 10:30 p.m., but I guess the party did not end then. We will see what comes of it today.

Yesterday worked perfectly for me yesterday. I got to the office, straightened somethings out on my desk that had been neglected for a few days, then off to church, then back to the registration desk. Just in time to save the day (I love that!) by coming up with a bracelet that had been left at the desk the night before and belonged to a very upset alum who thought it was gone. Then in to the best brunch I had ever seen!!! I fully participated. Then back to the desk to start cleaning things up. By 1 p.m. we were done and the sun came out. It was very symbolic to me after rainy and gloomy all weekend, as soon as we were "dismissed" the sun came out and I headed home.

I walked to the Shoppes, then to Ocean State Job lot, did my shopping and walked home. The weather was beautiful. I walked off all my standing this weekend and enjoyed it totally. Then back home to clean house - I had clothes and shoes all over the place as I have not really spent much time around the house during the two weeks pre-reunion. Then I took a great long shower and was in bed by 7:30 p.m. I was trying to wait until it got dark, but no luck. It was wonderful.

Woke up early this a.m., but made myself stay in bed until 6 a.m. I want to get back into my "normal" waking time routine now that the ruckus is over. Also had a great email from one of my former bosses with pictures of her new granddaughter. It is very hard for me to visualize this particular woman as a grandmother! She is way too young looking and stunningly beautiful.

Current boss gave the staff the day off today, but I am going to go in and get some things done in peace and quiet and see if she will buy me talking my comp day on Thursday so I have a 4 day weekend...we will see. I also would like to hear the post reunion chit chat at lunch to see how the campus community saw the weekend happenings.

Looks like my niece bypassed my work opportunity this weekend and headed to sister #5's. It looks like there is a boyfriend break up that she is not too happy about...guess she knows I am not the most sympathetic or empathetic aunt. Sister #5 has a 12 year old daughter and is used to the drama. (I always say that I am very glad I had a boy!!!) I do hope I see her before she heads back to NYC, but I will see her there on my next trip if I don't. I hope sister #3 and her partner had some good weather on the Cape this weekend as they celebrated #3's birthday on Sunday.

Have a great Monday.

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