Sunday, May 20, 2007

Last Day of Reunion!

And it can't come a minute too soon. I am getting ready to head to early church this a.m., then head to work for the Strawberries and Creme Brunch...more food! Another great dinner last night. Another 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. work day yesterday. Lots of drama - on so many levels. It was also prom night for the girls last night. Lots of happy girls and cranky staff. Next week is going to be interesting to watch as the dust settles from all the events and news. I am looking forward to having Friday off. And then the new Head of School is on campus Memorial Day and the 29th. I think I mentioned that she has requested meetings with each person on our staff...for my drama loving self and people watching love - it is going to be a "pig in mud" week.

Right now, I am brain dead and talking about that part of my body - I need to get my haircut. Another "to-do" for my Friday off this week.

Have a good Sunday.

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