Friday, May 11, 2007

Pump it!

There was only 2 students and the teacher in dance class last night. I guess Bob Woodruff was a stronger draw, but I am glad I went to dance. Still struggling with the "Pump It" routine, but kept up with the rest of the routines. Everything looked good at the big white tent when I drove by on the way home last night. Mr. Woodruff was standing outside the tent getting ready to take the podium when I drove by after class. But I came home to do some cleaning and bake a birthday cake for my co-worker. I think it will be well received and I think she will like the baseball book I bought for her and her son. I have no confidence that her husband will turn a always amazes me when I meet a guy who has no interest in sports. Why does he get up every morning???
I am off to Easthampton MA tonight. Sounds like it is just me and the school librarian going to her Mr. Wise. I am looking forward to it. But it was shared with me yesterday that it might mean having to do a short presentation at a faculty meeting. I am bringing my notepad!
Other than that, I am thinking that with all the surprises on the work front yesterday, I think I will be putting some packets together on Saturday. We will see what I get done today.
Can't remember, but did I tell you my son's date for a benefit event in Brooklyn was a girl from Paris...our family has communication breakdowns when everyone is speaking English...
Have a great weekend.

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