Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another great beach day

Decision became easy as to what beach I would be heading to on Monday. Friend had to cancel, sister #4 said "come on down" so I headed to Westerly, RI. It was a perfect day. Lots more people on the beach yesterday than my day at the beach last week and no sweatshirt needed for the weather. I got in the water a couple of times - it did take my breath away, not from the emotion of it, but the COLD! But it was great. We went for a long walk and ended the day at White Caps for dinner - the perfect ending - eating seafood on the outside eating porch. I can't imagine living as close to the beach as sister #4 does...I don't know if I could get myself to work during the summer. I am also very happy with my OSJL's sunscreen! A very good thing for my fair skin. Also had another "nature's pedicures" on our beach walk. My sister did not buy my concept

I did some calculation as to how many miles I covered in all my trips this vacation week - 771 miles since June 9 and 31.469 miles to a gallon. Not bad for my old car. I don't think I will be putting on any miles today. One good thing about living in the tri-state area - you can hit a lot of "places" in a pretty tight radius.

Massage appointment this a.m. Then I think I will do some reading that I did not do yesterday. I want to work on creating a tranquil state of mind to carry into my work day tomorrow. AND make a daily decision to keep where I am today in my mind where I need to stay and not get wrapped up in what does not really matter in the big scheme of things. And keep my eye on my real goals and desires. This is the first time in my life when I have gone on vacation and not checked email or voicemail for the entire time. Good vacation.

Delgado changed his socks/pants alignment for the METS game yesterday and he hit a homerun! Baseball is a funny, superstitious, mentally taxing game. The sports' talk radio guy on the way to the beach was calling for his head and Beltran's. Good news is that Beltran got a hit in the 8th inning.

What a great 9 days! I am a lucky girl. Keep your fingers crossed that I do not snap tomorrow...

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