Monday, June 18, 2007

Getting to the end of vacation

I am feeling like I need to get my mental affairs in order as my vacation life is coming to an end and work life will be coming back in. I do feel that my vacation has been mind-opening as I was getting a bit small (pin head size!) thinking of late and this time gave me a chance to remind myself that work is not my issue, what I am doing outside of work is my issue. It is so easy for me to be small thinking - much easier than big. "Big" challenges me to keep moving up and out of my box.

Yesterday mid-day was spent with the folks and talking to my brother who came in to cut the folks' yard. Came home and took my walk. Then watched one of my favorite Sunday night shows - Q&A on CSPAN. Very interesting discussion about modern China. Again - a BIG reminder that my thinking had gotten very small.

I did have a bit of "withdrawal symptoms" after two days of wandering in NYC and coming home to my small town. New York has the same type of mesmerizing effect on me that the beach has - the movement and sounds of people and things through the city have the same impact as the ocean. Very invigorating and contemplative at the same time.

A couple of options for today. Heard from sister #4 and a friend as to beach attendance. I have until 8 a.m. to make my decision. We will see which direction I head. My only appointment left for my vacation is my massage tomorrow a.m.

Had a neat email yesterday from a former boss who was good friends with the 2nd wife of Queen Noor's father...that is very cool to me to have that personal connection with a book I just read and enjoyed. My boss and his wife are a couple I was "meant" to know! We have had many "6 degree" moments since we met in 1995. Oh those coincidences...

I watched the closing moments of the US OPEN. I hate to admit I wanted to see Tiger pull it out, but "Viva Argentina" works for me too. Yankees are hot, hot, hot. My only other sports news is that I took my first dip in the town pool yesterday. After my walk, I drove up to the pool and had a great swim. I try to go each day after work once it opens full time after local school gets out this week. I am amazed how non-stiff I am after all my exercise of this week - but I guess my active/rest cycles are working. I will try to keep that in mind as I introduce work into the cycle.

Happy Monday!

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