Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Conan O'Brien Show Day in NYC

Sure wish I could figure out why I can't add pictures to my postings any more...maybe I will try to figure it out this weekend.

But today, I am off to NYC to meet up with my son, sister #3, niece #2 to go see Conan. Of course my "luck" on guests holds again - I get Jessica Biel when Adam Sandler is tomorrow, Queen Latifah Thursday, Kevin James on Friday...oh well. After the show, we will meet up with sister #1 and sister #3's partner for dinner. Then I will work my way to Grand Central to head home. It will be a long day and then I have my "interview" at Town Hall tomorrow night. I am playing with endurance "fire" this summer.

Yesterday was a Monday/Friday combination - first day of the work week with a day off planned for Tuesday - this summer has been an interesting work setting. Being a 12 month employee in a school setting is very different than what I felt before in the workplace. But of course what I am doing is so different from what I have done in the past.

Got into a bit of a shouting match on my walk yesterday - I got going on my rant about the issue of addiction and that people who are "coping" with it do not need sympathy, they need help; and people who are fighting it do not need "be guilted".
I think I will keep those opinions to myself from now on.

One thing I wish I did not keep to myself was - lobster - on Sunday, my FCRM - who was also sister #1's FCRM - came to my parents' house with her daughter. I knew FCRM was not a lobster eater and did not expect her daughter to be joining us for dinner...so when I saw her walk out of the house with a lobster, I knew that someone in our family was going lobster-less...what a mess. I should have said something but I was hoping, like mother, like daughter on the shellfish aversion. No such luck. Oh well. I will insist that sister #1 have lobster when we go out tonight since I will be picking up the tab for dinner...

Saw Chris Murphy on CSPAN last night - I guess our legislators are getting involved in the passport problem. Looks like when the rules were changed, staffing was not and lots of people are getting dangerously close to not being able to travel when passports do not show up. Chris announced to the group - get within 2 weeks of your travel and not have your passport, call his office. I am very glad I was involved in his campaign. I am thinking he may be playing with "endurance" fire on a level a million times more than I am!

I better get ready to go. Home to New Haven train station, Grand Central, Rockefeller Center/Bryant Park area, 30 Rock, Hell's Kitchen area for dinner, Grand Central, New Haven, home.

Have a good Tuesday.

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