Sunday, July 22, 2007

A full beach day

I could not even begin writing yesterday so I did not fight it, I just went to the beach and that was the perfect solution to my writer's block. I read, swam, and walked (got my "nature's pedicure"). I packed up the car at 4:30 p.m. and then took a long walk. I loved driving into the park with "my sticker" and driving right by the money booth. It is those little things that get me.

On the ride down, I noticed that there is a "rotary" in the road on the route down. What I heard was that that is a remnant of the colonial times and the European influence and their use of rotaries. They remind me of how old some of these towns are - in New England and in the towns where I saw them in North Carolina. I was happy that there was no traffic on the way down at 9 a.m. or on the way home at 6 p.m. I almost stopped for fried clams on the ride home, but I fought the urge.

Before I left I was listening to the news and I thought I better get to a place where I would be happy to stay forever if the world as I knew it stopped as they passed power from Bush to Cheney. That gave me a strange feeling. I also was discouraged by all the sports news - from Vick, to Bonds, to the NBA Ref. People get themselves into such precarious situations. I don't think they read or write enough - or go to the beach enough. Maybe I should start a "group".

From my new book - The Book of Secrets/Deepak Chopra - "Live like a cell". And the first secret is to let your body's wisdom point the way. The second secret is "You are not in the world; the world is in you". There was a very good description of what the brain does during our dream world and our waking world - same "apparatus", so the whole world is created in me? Can't argue the point if you buy Secret #1...

"People used to find these ideas very natural. Centuries ago the doctrine of one reality occupied center stage in spiritual life. ...A person did not have to become a spiritual seeker to find the one reality. Everybody's life already fit into it. The creator permeated each particle of creation equally, and the same diving spark animated life in all its forms."

I am flashing back to the movie "Dancing with Wolves". I was sobbing at the end of that movie. And I think the same concept was what made me so sad. The Indians "got it" and Kevin Costner was the only "white guy" to get it.

The book is taking me awhile to get through because it is a "read and think" read. But it makes so much sense, but seems to be so detached from how our world is working...but I will keep reading and see how his argument unfolds. Great book for summer reading because reading it by the beach just seems "right" and appropriate and helps me "see" what he is talking about.

Friday was a good work day, cleaning house night, long walk alone in the morning and after work - incense has been burning for the last 3 nights...don't know what that is about but I just felt "the neeed".

Off to church this a.m., I am on the counting money "team". Then in to the parents to do my wash. I will bring my book so I can hit the backyard and read for awhile. Looks like another beautiful day.

Staff audit by an outside consultant this week at work...should be interesting.

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