Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday - great weather, good day

Day started early and moved along all day. Counting money at church went from after church at 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Very manageable but not my usual Sunday. After church I was off to grocery stores on the route to my parents' house to see where I could get the most mileage from the coupon I had for Guida milk. Nowhere was it on sale, so I decided where I would stop on the way home to make my purchase. Parents were at their Sunday ice cream place when I got there, so I started my wash and had some lunch before they got home. Good visit. They enjoyed the town stories between my interview on Wednesday and my money counting partner who was also my babysitter when I was little. She was enough older than me that she has stories from the time of the Flood of '55 and what those days right after the flood looked like for my family and her parents who were our neighbors. Her house - she was newly married and had a small house nearby, but high enough to escape the waters - was our first stop as we fled from our house. One story she recounted to me got to my father as I told it on Sunday.

After the parents, I got hooked on a couple of CSPAN shows including the show about the book of AP (Associated Press) history. So it was a late start on my walk and during my walk I called my brother to see if I could come to his house for my evening swim as I was up against it as to closing time at the town pool. So that worked. I did have a little trouble getting to sleep last night. I think I swam a bit longer and harder than I usually do on my Sunday town pool dip. And woke up a bit later this morning than usual. We will see if I get back into a rhythm after a very non-regular week the last two weeks. The only plan for this week is Wesleyan on Tuesday and looking at the CSPAN schedule to see if sister #1's testimony will be on TV.

We do have a consultant coming into work this week to do a "staff audit" to see if we are properly staffed for the Capital Campaign ahead...I think that we could have saved that money but I think the boss needs to have an intermediary. I think it was good that the readings at church were about hospitality...some "tips" from the bulletin that I am going to keep in mind as I go through the week:

"Tell of an experience in your life when your attention was focused on the less important thing in a situation?"

"As an individual what do you do to prepare yourself to listen to God? Do you have a special time or place for listening?"

"When all is said and done, did you say more or do more?"

As the priest said, Martha gets a bad rap, as "Jesus teaches her to balance her work with a bit of listening. It is not that her work isn't important, but action by itself can easily become mindless busyness." I think my boss and I are a bit Martha vs Mary...

But since I told my walking partner that I would meet her this morning to walk even though she is still on vacation today, I better get ready.

Yankees probably wish they could stock pile some of their runs this weekend to use on less prolific days...

Happy Monday!

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