Saturday, July 07, 2007

July 7, 07

It is almost 7:07 a.m. on 7/7/7…I am keeping my eye on the clock to see if I can “feel it”. I feel pretty lucky today. One of my college roommates (“fcr” – see below) and I are off to the beach – a first for me at this particular beach with “her tag”. She also wants to go to the beach tomorrow with “my tag”. I guess I will try to gear up to a two beach day weekend. I should be full to the top after this weekend which is not a bad thing since next weekend is family time when sister #1 hits the parents’ house.

The end to my day today might be a boat ride to the Avery Point Lighthouse…I hope that all comes together. Of course my last boat trip was “a bit unsettled”. I became a record setting “chum-mer”. I think I have that word right. I hurled my insides over the side of the boat at a rate and length of time that attracted plenty of fish toward our boat…I am glad there were benefactors to my pain. But that was deep sea and an all day affair and today is only from the coast to the lighthouse – 2 hours.

My “fcw” or favorite co-worker (I am going to do “text message” type labels for people in my life) and I had a good walk in the morning. The heat is going to be a factor from here on out I think. I had an interesting couple of hours with our XEROX machine sales rep. Way too many people on campus are “players” in how our new machine is being used. The powers that be want to make it our copier, printer, fax machine – and I am hoping my replacement…

I went on my regular walk last night. Hadn’t had a “regular night” in awhile. I did make sure to check the information on the Katharine Hepburn film festival at Wesleyan University this coming week. Edward Herrmann is going to do an introduction and Q&A for the opening night on Tuesday and the film is going to be The Philadelphia Story. It is all free and I am going to try and go to the series except one is on July 17 when I will be at Conan in NYC. But other than that, I can make Summertime and Adam’s Rib.

I had a “good news, bad news” email last night from a co-worker who just left for a new job. She had shared with me about an opening…but last night emailed me to say the position had been filled. Good news – I could do my beach weekend without thinking about cover letter/resume work; Bad news – an option for the year ahead off the table. Everything happens for a reason, so no “Sad” news. My curiosity about what is going to happen at my current situation is peaking right now. I am not “seeing” how the table is being set for progress, but if it can be pulled off – it could be an event that will be amazing to watch. People who I feel a connection to seem to be the ones who are not in current favor…I guess my new compass (using my new gift as an analogy) still has some adjusting to do to get “true north” set. “True” and truth telling…not current players in the drama, but if they come to the surface it will be an “astronomical” event. I wish we could focus our high power telescope WITH audio hook up on our campus and I could sit up on the ridge and watch it all unfold. But the other side of the story may be that I am not close to “getting it” and all of what I see as off target will be bull’s eyes. Lots of “” in this paragraph but it ties in to my postings of late.

It is now 7:16 a.m…I guess there was no tilting of the planet or anything at the 7/7/7 at 7:07.

Better start packing my beach bag. Have a great 7/7/7.

From Bird by Bird: “You are going to have to give and give and give, or there’s no reason for you to be writing. You have to give from the deepest part of yourself, and you are going to have to go on giving, and the giving is going to have to be its own reward. There is no cosmic importance to your getting something published, but there is in learning to be a giver. … But they are always yours, your books as well as your children. You helped bring your work into being, and every day you have to feed it help it stay well, give it advice and love it when it ignores you.”

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