Friday, July 06, 2007

Swim Meet Bonus - Mike Golic pool side!

Mike Golic at the swim meet! I went over after work to see one of my co-worker’s kids’ swim meet and who was sitting by the pool? Mike Golic of “Mike and Mike in the morning” on ESPN radio. He does look a lot leaner and meaner and it was fun. Of course my non-sports interested co-worker did not have a clue of who or what I was talking about with Golic or ESPN radio…oh well – she has the settings and I have the knowledge and that made my day. He is a VERY good poster person for whatever he used to trim down!!!

Other than that, my walking co-worker and I woke up some of our other co-workers who live in campus yesterday morning on our walk…we get a bit loud when we are out in the open air and “air” all our thoughts, complaints, “issues” about our life and times. I wonder if our morning schedule will be one of our co-workers’ “issue”. Oh well. Can’t get mad about health!

From Bird by Bird: The author was talking about being with her best friend as she was dying, when a doctor told her, “”Watch her carefully right now,” she said, “because she’s teaching you how to live.””…”I remind myself of this when I cannot get any work done: to live as if I am dying, because the truth is we are all terminal on this bus. To live as if we are dying gives us a chance to experience some real presence. Time is so full for people who are dying in a conscious way, full in the way that life is for children. They spend big round hours. So instead of staring miserably at the computer screen trying to will my way into having a breakthrough, I say to myself, “Okay, hmmm, let’s see. Dying tomorrow. What should I do today?” Then I can decide to read Wallace Stevens for the rest of the morning or go to the beach or just really participate in ordinary life. Any of these will begin the process of filling me back up with observations, flavors, ideas, visions, memories. I might want to write on my last day on earth, but I’d also be aware of other options that would feel at least as pressing. I would want to keep whatever I did simple, I think. And I would want to be present.”

Those are good words for me to always keep in mind.

Felt sad about Al Gore’s son. I may be living in a bubble when it comes to my son, but I feel that he has done for me what I could not do for him. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I have learned a lot more life lessons from him than I feel I have shared with him. But I also know that addiction is such an issue in our world today. People are trying “to fill the holes” they feel in their bodies and souls – in my mind. Another story today about an ex-UCONN basketball player and sexual assault on one of his female basketball HIGH SCHOOL players – he is 49, she is in high school…

I don’t mean to go from errant behavior to family talk, but…Sister #1 should be headed to DC from NYC today. Hope she is having a good trip home and time with her daughter. I have to get myself geared up to help my parents with a family get together next weekend. I will head to the beach this weekend to “fill up” on inspiration.

People moving today at work. People moving up, down, to the side in the organizational chart and moving offices is part of that move. Some are doing it with style and glee, others with trepidation. I am going nowhere fast so I can sit back in my office and watch the drama. But along that line, I am going to make an inquiry about that job I was told about at another school by a co-worker who went there, to see if it would be worth making another move…I don’t know if I am ready to write another “I’m done. Thank you for the opportunity” resignation letters – but I never know what the trigger is going to be. Any new situation would have to include housing – my current “food thing” is great but free housing would definitely get my attention. Then I will have really simplified my “basic needs” column of my “life chart”.

I had a pretty calm “life chart” after the swim meet last night. I actually “violated” my no second trip out rule and got back in my car after I was already home to go out grocery shopping. It was raining so I decided my evening walk would be doing my shopping. I needed cereal, orange juice and bananas and went to two stores to see where they had the cheapest version of what I needed. Big Y won – WITH my silver coin for orange juice. And speaking of those goods…I better get to my breakfast so I can get to work in time for our walk.

Have a good weekend. Another Friday night tonight!!!

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