Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kicking myself AGAIN!

Not only did I burn $10 with my State Park sticker by not buying it on my first trip to the beach, but the difference between Monday a.m. and Tuesday a.m. on the St Lucia trip is $200 - when will I learn!!! Now I don't know what to do. I don't seem to learn from my past discretion (or cheapness...). But I have to let this go for a bit because it haunted my day yesterday.

The movie last night was great! It is amazing to me again how contemporary the dialogue and themes are in the two "old" movies I have seen lately. The topic of "Summertime" put an ice pick through my eyeball! Compounded by seeing sister #3's college friend there with a date. Yesterday was a rough day on my psyche. I was missing the boat on so many levels. I need to have a meeting with myself today on this topic. The Book of Secrets does give me "the answer", but I keep letting that pesky ego get in the way.

"The progression from passenger to pilot to designer is symbolic of a spiritual journey...In other words, he is closest to the source of reality, acting not as a victim of the five senses or a passive participant in natural law but as a co-creator with nature." I have not mastered the "designer" role.

Not sure what is ahead today. But here we go.

Week of July 26 "guidance" is not helpful for someone who is produce picking challenged!
"The muskmelon is a fruit that continues to ripen after it's picked, whereas a watermelon stops ripening the moment it's plucked from the vine. As you enter your own personal harvest season, Libra, keep that difference in mind; it'll be a useful metaphor. Some of the "crops" you've been growing all these months are like muskmelons, while others are like watermelons. Do you know which are which? Let the watermelon-like fruits of your labors stay on the vine until you're absolutely sure they're fully mature."

And my daily "guidance" kicked me while I was down - I needed this "news" this when the fare was $400!!!
July 25, 2007 -- Once you have an objective in mind no force on Earth can keep you from reaching it. The only problem, of course, is your own indecision. The longer you take to make up your mind today the more likely it is that someone will beat you to it. This is no time for doubts - act quickly and thoroughly.

Have a good Wednesday.

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