Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Katharine Hepburn Day

I will be off to Wesleyan tonight for "Summertime". I am going to try and get there for the pre-movie lecture since the Q&A goes a bit late for a "school night". I also found out yesterday that Saturday night is going to be an open house at the school observatory. I am hoping for a clear night so we can see the "astrological event". I am also happy today that not only did my coupon get my milk at a discount this weekend, it is also Skim...the 1% was way too much for me. I feel like everything is settling into place after a hectic few weeks.

Curious about the Campbell Brown announcement. I am sick that my money counting Sunday coincided with her departure announcement. Maybe that is why Lester Holt had been on my mind of late - I "knew" he was under stress. Drew Carey as Bob Barker? I am thinking that network TV is struggling. But I am wearing my Conan O'Brien t-shirt as my sleeping shirt. I have my wristband from this year and last on my desk. It is funny to see what is on my desktop and refrigerator.

We had a full contingent of walkers yesterday a.m. Favorite co-worker back from vacation but not back to work until today; former co-worker bought me a book to read - "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Sounds like I am going to love it. Other than that, a pretty quiet day - with a very rainy night so I took advantage of it and relaxed. St Lucia tickets are in the $300-400 range - now we are talking. I need to get my tickets done this week for my October trip.

Had a call from a FNCCW - got to talk sports and laugh, two things that he was always good for in my former life. I had gone online earlier to see the Chicago Bulls' article about JamesOn. Hope he makes the roster.

From Book of Secrets - "Again, science marvels at the way molecules adapt over millions of years, but isn't there a deeper intent? In our hearts, we feel the impulse to fly, to break free of boundaries. Isn't that the same impulse nature expressed when insects began to take flight? The prolactin that generates milk in a mother's breast is unchanged from the prolactin that sends salmon upstream to breed, enabling them to cross from saltwater to fresh. The insulin in a cow is exactly the same as the insulin in an amoeba; both serve to metabolize carbohydrates, even though a cow is millions of tmes more complex than an amoeba. To believe in one reality that is totally interconnected isn't mystical at all, it turns out." Sounds easy enough to buy the concept, why can't us humans get it???

But talking about human disconnect, I am off to work...have a good Tuesday.

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