Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lobsters and Corn

Yesterday was an interesting day. My leader was at a funeral, so it was a quiet day at work – everyone doing what they do. The new Head of School had her “first day at school” – I never saw her. It may be a few days before she can see the light of day. Her family is elsewhere at this point so at least she has no distractions during these first days.

But back to me – I had a productive day and I was trying to build up my strength for our weekend family events. It all started with dinner at my parents with sister #1 and her daughter last night. Then my sister and I were off to the grocery store, Staples, and a drive by to see if a clothes store she likes is open on Sunday so she can hit it before she heads back to the islands. I was also very impressed – and will be glued to CSPAN – that she will be testifying in front of a Senate committee at the end of the month. I will stick with my “wouldn’t change lives with anyone”, but…hers is tempting!

I stopped at local farm and ordered corn for me to pick up this a.m. Sister #4 called to get the lobster pot inventory report at our parents. Our old beach house tradition was two big pots going on the stove at all times on the weekends – one for lobsters and one for corn. That was our idea of entertaining and then I wonder why my “weak spot” in my job evaluation was my lack of enthusiasm and skill in assisting with some of the party planning in our department. I guess they don’t see my ability to have plenty of paper towels and butter as meeting the needs of the event. We also never needed any fancy nametags – who knows who wondered through during those weekends with 6 kids and 2 parents telling friends to stop by. Another aspect of my “making people like me in spite of myself” approach to life. Oh well.

Sounds like my son had looked up the Conan line up for Tuesday – Jessica Beal? I am going to have to do some research on that one. Also sounds like we will hit that same Italian restaurant in Hell’s Kitchen as we did after Conan last summer now that they know that I am heading back that night and not staying over. I want to stay on this side of the water so I can walk easily back to Grand Central after dinner.

Listened to the Rocket get beat up last night. I hope he already cashed his “pro-rated $28 million” check. I also heard that Lastings got moved up for the Mets. Cuban as a baseball owner…that would definitely liven up the Chicago baseball scene.

Good walk yesterday morning. The weather has been good of late. Winter was easy on me; this summer seems to be doing the same. Also, my re-planted plants seem to all be doing well. What a novel thing in my life!

Bird by Bird: “You simply keep putting down one damn word after the other, as you hear them, as they come to you. You can either set brick as a laborer or as an artist. You can make the work a chore, or you can have a good time. You can do it the way you used to clear the dinner dishes when you were thirteen, or you can do it as a Japanese person would perform a tea ceremony, with a level of concentration and care in which you can lose yourself, and so in which you can find yourself.”

I think making each day a Japanese tea ceremony a VERY good goal...

Well better get geared up to go into the parents for the day.

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