Sunday, September 09, 2007

Saturday in constant flux

From a weekend that seemed to have nothing but a plan, it has morphed into so not. Yesterday I discovered that my niece was not coming up, sister #4 decided she was going to come up and give mother her b'day gift, that threw the Peace Pole dedication out the window for me, I was headed to my brother's for a swim after sister #4 headed home and it started to rain for the first time in a month or no exercise yesterday, no reading. I did go to my the first half of my co-worker's son's soccer game and then to Marshall's to buy a new fall white shirt. I have bought more clothes on the last two Saturday's - my $10 shorts and my $12 shirt - than I have in a year! Shopping is a painful thing for me.

I did do my early morning wash in my building yesterday. I usually make doing wash a part of my Saturday visit with my parents, but this Saturday morning timing seems to work for doing it here. I was successful in getting up and down four flights of stairs to get to the laundry room without running into other tenants - a good thing if you saw the outfit I was running up and down the stairs in. I also did my mattress flip - my mattress has "a plan" on each corner that tells me what months the mattress needs to be in what direction. Since I was stripping the bed yesterday and I was close to Oct 1. I did the flip that put the OCT/NOV/DEC sticker on the top side, lower left hand corner of the mattress. It is a perfect mattress for me - a mattress with instruction. It was also a steal as I hear what sister #5 and my next door neighbor paid for their new mattress and box spring. I got mine queen size Kingsdown hotel quality set for $400 since I purchased it through the 5 Diamond, 5 Star Inn in North Carolina that was part of the development I sold real estate in. I did not realize how much I saved getting that done before I left there!

Area college activities are gearing up - this week I just added a Wednesday event to the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday I already had. An a capella singing concert at U of H along with a Friday faculty recital for next week.

Today is also plan-less - I will be heading to church for 8 a.m. mass, then after that - I don't have a plan except to be on call in case I need to get involved with getting my Texas friend back to the airport, but that looks to be not my job anymore. Think I will try to get to my brother's for a swim before it rains today. Not that many outdoor swimming days left.

Good day for UCONN football last night, interesting day for Michigan and I thought it was curious when I heard that they have not won a game since Bo died...Not good news for Notre Dame last night. Good day for the Yankees. Good day's work for Tiger and well placed for today. I really don't care about the tennis. I did download my U of St Louis basketball schedule. Need to start planning my basketball vacations. But I thought it might be good to see where I will be working first...I am thinking that I am leaning toward to Admissions at my current school...let's hope that it gets resolved this week. I have vacation to plan.

Better take my shower and get ready for church.

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