Saturday, September 08, 2007

Peace Pole, Kinky Friedman, Weekend un-plans

Thought I had a full weekend planned, but as of right now - all building block events have been cancelled and I am down to my co-worker's son's soccer game and the dedication of our town's Peace Pole which were supposed to be the filler events.

Yesterday was a full day at work, full lunch hour interviewing with the other school, and an after work swim at our family friend's pool that will be closing up today. That might be one reason to change jobs - pool at one school, no pool the other. We will see where I end up.

Clipped out an announcement about Kinky Friedman speaking in Hartford on Sept 19. I may just have to go to that. My Willie Nelson/Hill Country of Texas years are screaming out to me to go. The speech is called "A Pen Warmed Up in Hell Lecture" could I miss that!

Next week I have book club, my town volunteer meeting, events at the Hartford Public Library (Thursday and Saturday) - money counting a week from tomorrow. Guess everything I was going to do got cancelled this weekend so I would rest up?

Have to check sports schedules to see where and when sisters #4 and #5 are coaching against each other and if I can make it to the game.

More police on my parents' street today. I will swing by there after the soccer game to see what is up.

Have a good weekend.

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