Sunday, October 28, 2007

Long, productive Saturday

My day started early on Saturday. Got to work about 7:30 a.m. and ran into a frenzied student who could not find a computer and printer to print out her ACT test admission pass. I let her do it on my computer and she was on her way. That is what I love about my job. Combining regular work with student work. The other day one of the girls came in and was afraid to get on her bike because a spider had built a web and was hanging on to her bike. I went out and removed the spider and she was off.

Other than that work, I worked through lots of projects on Saturday and went to the Memorial service at the Chapel for the music department chair's husband. I am glad I went. It was truly a celebration of a wonderful person's life. So it was work, Chapel, more work, a walk, church and more work - on and off drizzle the entire day. I got home about 8 p.m. and was energized so I cleaned house and read my book for awhile. I got home just in time to watch the part of the town League of Women Voters candidate forum that I missed the other night - perfect timing. Good day all around. Our town had its big Halloween parade last night and the town was crawling with people when I got home. I was thinking I might not be able to get to my parking lot based on what roads were blocked off to set the pedestrian only zone, but I was glad I was able to get home and park.

This morning I did my coffee time in bed reading my book. I should finish it up today. The rain of yesterday has given way to a bright, fall foliage full color morning. I can't wait for my walk today, but first - wash clothes, grocery shopping, and reading. But first - my talking heads' shows and a shower. I also need to go through m closet and change out my summer to fall clothes. I am thinking we have FINALLY transitioned to fall weather.

I just realized that my computer is set on the old Daylight Savings time or whatever we will be going to next weekend. I knew it was later than usual this year, but I guess my computer did not get that memo.

Looks like a sweep in underway for Boston. I was happy to hear that JamesOn's number in Chicago is the same as Tony Stewart's - a definite "sign" to me. Also UCONN football is causing quite a stir. Might take a bit of the attention off UCONN basketball - Calhoun and Auriemma will not like that!

Have a good Sunday.

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