Saturday, October 27, 2007

Free Form Friday

Had a hard time keeping Friday "under control" - should never be my goal so it is good that life kept throwing me curves. We had lots of families visiting and I took one family out - I was flashing back to taking "walk-ins" on real estate tours in Fearrington Village in NC during one of my former lives. It was a nice day out and our campus is physically beautiful - a bit tired on the buildings, but the grounds are enough to impress people on a physical level. This particular couple made an appointment to come back with their daughter in November.

Projects popped up from every angle also - I worked right up to the time I headed into Hartford to hear Christina Garcia. She redeemed herself a bit from my NOT liking her book on any level to liking her on a personal basis on some levels. I MIGHT try to read one of her later novels to see if I can get in to any of them. But she was a good speaker, good sense of humor and her essay that she read on "Exile" was very good. There are so many people who are "exiled" on one level or another in our world today and the impact is far reaching - in my mind. And hearing all the Cuban speakers I have of late shows how emotional that impact can be. Cuba is so intriguing on so many levels and the Cuban people face a situation like no others in the world - in my mind. But now on to Mali. I read a bit more of my book last night. I look forward to finishing it this weekend. I am enjoying it and want to get to the end. A feeling that Dreaming in Cuban never reached.

I did turn down an invitation for dinner with my godchild's parents. A family I started babysitting for when I was 12 or so. It has been a long friendship, but I had had the Library event on my calendar for so long... We will get together for our birthdays before long - wife and I = October birthdays; husband = November birthday. She is exactly 15 years old than I am, so when I have a "marker" birthday, so does she.

I stopped by my parents for a minute on the way to the library. I wanted to get my birthday present that sister #3 sent there. It was a t-shirt for my walking with a great saying - "1.20.09 end of an error"...may have to be careful where I wear it. Could not wear it if I was still working at my jobs in Texas or North Carolina, but I think my current situation will be welcoming of the message.

Another change in plans - looks like a cousin is having Thanksgiving so the pressure is off or on - depending on whether sister #4 and sister #5 want to just have our own family at my parents or join the extended family - which #5 I know will not - at the cousin's. Another reason the holiday season is challenging to me...I liked it better when I just went to Florida every Thanksgiving while my son was in college and the two of us would go out to a great beach front or the Casa Monica restaurant in downtown St Augustine for our dinner. No drama with the two of us going it alone. When the family is as dsyfunctional as ours - keeping the groupings small in number is much more comfortable, for me.

Off to work in a few minutes. Work to do and Memorial Service, then I hope a walk and church then home to read my book. We will see if my life stays on track today.

Finally checked to see who got eliminated on DWTS's this past week. Mark Cuban. It would have been a surprise if it was anyone else.

Sports - I am thinking that the World Series will be over before it really gets going. The only issue will be if it starts snowing! I am so out of touch with all other sports, it is embarrassing to me!

The Head of School's new modular home is arriving in its pieces tonight - 5000 sq ft of "tinker toys" to snap together. Should be interesting. Sounds like our school holiday party will be at the new house.

I have my birthday cards all standing up on my diningroom table. Something I do each year. This year it is A BIT too - "getting old" theme, but the truth hurts. I will be writing to each sender to say thank you for reminding me of my advancing age...!

Think I will have breakfast at school this a.m. Some bonus for working on Saturday. Next Saturday we have an Open House in the morning. WHAT made me decide NOT to take the offer of working on an hourly basis when I came across the street???? Or asking for any monetary increase in my salary????? I am so NOT savvy in my financial decisions. I guess the good news is that I am so cheap that I keep my overhead manageable based on what I am earning at all the different earning settings I have been at over the years.

No night events on my calendar this week until Thursday - and then I have a potential conflict. Peace Corps event at UCONN and Dance Class, but the dance teacher said we might not have access to our space that night. And I also don't know when sister #1 may land in town. She had said she might be up for Friday-Monday. We will see how her plans shape up.

Have a good weekend.

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